You are not in reality, your ego / by kevin murray

While each one of us is an individual, there are some people that identify through their ego a heck of a lot more than other people.  That is to say, some people, are so attached to their ego, that is, their self-image, that this is all that they believe that they are.  Then there are those others, who are cognizant that they have an ego, but do not overly identify with that ego, for they know that their true self-image is not limited to their physical body and mind, or what people say about them; but in actuality their real being is superior to that, for they are ultimately a soul created by the very hand of God, so provided with the opportunity to express itself in a material form on a material plane, of which this world is meant to be viewed as a proving ground, providing each one of us therefore with an opportunity to be of assistance to those that have lost their way as well as to be of material benefit to our fellow sojourners while in this domain.


Yet, the lure of being human is so intoxicating for some, that they are unable to perceive anything other than what their five senses so perceive, and of which, they therefore identify fully with who and what they believe that makes themselves to be.  This means that they often see this world, as a place, in which there are only winners and losers, of which, anything that challenges their good standing in that domain, they take as a challenge to their self, and therefore they will subsequently take the necessary steps to protect what they believe to be theirs, which is the very reason why there is so much conflict and disagreement in this world.


Most of that, which the ego cries out as being absolutely necessary in order to be satiated and satisfied, are, when fully distilled and looked at objectively, not as important as all that.  The things that people will literally fight tooth and nail over, are often in the scheme of things, not all that imperative.  The ego is a tyrant, it wants what it wants, and when such an ego as that meet another ego that wants what it wants, of which there is an overlap between the two, this thus creates a whole lot of trouble.  To those that live for their ego, and believe fully in their ego, everything that they fight so hard for, is the ultimate reality, and to therefore believe that somehow that this mindset is incorrect, they see as nothing more than a mind game.


Yet, each of us is eternal, so to be overly concerned about that which is transitory, is clearly putting the cart before the horse.  In the entertainment world, in order for a drama to work, there needs to be conflict, and in order for there to be an appropriate resolution to that conflict, there needs to be the hero of the piece, doing their part to overcome obstacles as well as to do the right thing.  This signifies, that kneejerk reactions to insults, offenses, putdowns, betrayal and the like, are in reality, situations in which we are given the opportunity to react in kind and play to our ego; or instead, to step up and to recognize that as the great director of our own piece, we are not our ego, but eternal beings of enlightenment, blessed with wisdom and perspective.