We are instructed throughout our life from all sorts of people and institutions, to do our best; but seldom discussed is the foundation that needs to be so created, so that each one of us, can actually perform at our absolute best. After all, if the foundation is wrong, of which, it is, for instance, ever shifting, as if built upon sand, then our performances are going to not only be uneven and unbalanced, but they are ultimately not going to be our best, even when we are “so-called” giving it our best. All those that truly want to achieve great accomplishments, must know for a certainty, that first we must not only master the basics so of, but we also need to have good core principles, that we stand securely upon, of which, these principles are not only correct, but strong and sturdy enough, that such can steadily withstand the strong and violent winds of adversity, jealousy, and hate.
In society, there are plenty of clever people, but mere cleverness is not often actually of any real benefit for humankind; so too, there are plenty of studious and smart people, but those that have learned well, do not by definition, necessarily know how to properly apply that knowledge for the overall good of society. The very first thing to understand is that we are all in this together, and therefore any mindset that requires for its success some degree of exploitation of the other, is not going to be correct, for if in our getting ahead, we have to take advantage of the other, this is ethically wrong. Further to the point, all those that put their ambitions ahead of morality and ethics, through their actions, directly or indirectly, are absolutely blind to being their best, for that pathway that they are on is clearly crooked, and is thereby not straight.
When we look for guidance through our intuition, prayer, worship, study, or reflection, it is important to comprehend fully that those that truly wish to be at their best, must be in harmony with the attributes of God; which are known by characteristics, such as selflessness, giving, patience, determination, forgiveness, fairness, temperance, prudence, and faith. Ideally, we want to take on the aura of all those attributes that are most admirable as well as being necessary in order to help thereby to build and to create valued friendships, good neighborhoods, and to bring out the best in ourselves, as well as to contribute to doing so in others.
Most people wish for good things, but wishing is never the same thing as doing. Additionally, those that wish for this or that, but have not taken the necessary and fundamental steps so needed to develop the core good characteristics to consistently be their best, are not going to find the lasting success that they so are wishing for. First things come first, and this thus means that each one of us, needs to firstly recognize that all that which is not in harmony with God’s attributes is harmful not only for our own development, but for others, as well. So then, make it your point to be that which you were always meant to be, by having the discipline and determination to be a true child of God, by being in harmony with that which knows right from wrong, and then, do your best to do right, always.