America has the reputation, perhaps deserved, perhaps undeserved, of being that beacon of liberty, for all those other nations, to aspire to become in their own right. Yet, fascism is not something that any country, even one of long standing, is completely immune to. This thus signifies that the fact that the military-industrial-technology complex is at the present time, tied intimately into the highest levels of government, is clearly at a minimum, the first pillar of incipient fascism, for when businesses and government are in lockstep, this signifies that it is these powerful institutions, joined at the hip, that are thereby determined to be in opposition to all those with the temerity to question the judgement or wisdom of this being good for the continual liberty of this country.
When the federal government along with the biggest and most profitable corporations are essentially on the very same page, then to a very powerful degree, they are interdependent upon one another. After all, the power to tax, is the power to destroy; and the bigger the budget of any government, the more that there is for businesses to receive in return for their continual loyalty to that government; of which part of that loyalty is providing to that government, actionable information that it so desires, whenever it so desires such, in return for that continual favorable governmental treatment. So too, those governments that are trending to fascism, aren’t interested in a vibrant and competitive marketplace, of which there are many smaller players, trying to one up one another; but rather their strong preference is to deal almost exclusively with those corporations that are monopolistic in structure or are dominant players, which obviously makes it rather straightforward in coming to sensible plans and agreements that makes sense for all parties, involved.
As for the citizens of this nation, a surprising amount of those citizens, don’t really understand that real liberty, is messy, it is loud, it is inconvenient, and, of which, by definition, it is never dictatorial. Rather, somewhat regrettably, a significant portion of the population, likes the structure of a strong central government, especially when that government is a great provider as well as a strong protector, for this then provides those pliant citizens with structure and so long as they then have the basic essentials of shelter, healthcare, education, and employment, covered; they aren’t overly concerned about how much liberty that they have. In fact, a notable number of citizens, truly believe that governmental handouts and benefits should be directly tied to citizens being loyal and obedient to the state.
Anytime that the government is very large in regards to both its monetary budget as well as the amount of people it so employs directly and indirectly; and of which, it deliberately provides a significant amount of business to the biggest and most powerful corporations in the world under purposely structured agreeable conditions for the benefit of those corporations, then that country is clearly on the road to fascism, with really the only thing missing, being the people of this country, saluting that which takes care of them, cradle to grave.