In January of 1944, President Roosevelt's message to Congress on the state of the union, was a speech that many citizens in today's America are completely unaware of; and of which, the rights for the economic improvement, especially for the most vulnerable of American people, so expressed in this speech, have not even come close to ever coming to fruition What the President so desired to see was that in recognition that America was the premier economic nation in the world, that therefore it was time to recognize and to validate that every American has the equal right to a good education, a decent home, adequate protection from economic fears, adequate medical care, freedom from unfair competition, freedom from domination by monopolies, and the right to earn enough income so as to obtain adequate food, clothing, and recreation for one's own household.
All of items in the above list should still be carefully looked at and studied, for the truth of the matter is, that not one of these economic rights, as propagated by the President, all the way back in 1944, not a single one of them has been fulfilled as of today; this over a period of time of over seventy-five years, and in fact, not a single one of these rights is even close to actually becoming part and parcel of the American experience, in this the richest nation that the world has ever known.
The most important question to therefore ask, is why? Why is it that America, with all of its riches, is still unable to fulfill these most sensible of economic rights, in this period of time, in which, America has been at the absolute top of its game, and yet has economically devolved into becoming a country of the haves that have it all, and the have nots, that have not a thing. This is not the way that it should be, especially in consideration that the very purpose of having a national income tax in the first place -- which is progressive in nature -- is for the fair re-distribution to the people of the wealth so created. So too, the very point of estate taxes is to see that those that have had it all when so alive, are at the time of their physical death, compelled by governmental fiat to pass on a fair percentage of their wealth to those that are of the living, so that these seemingly forgotten citizens therefore have then their fair chance of opportunity. Finally, the corporate titans that seem to run this country, should as a matter of course, be paying a much higher tax rate than the common man so does, rather than so often avoiding their responsible duties to that government which permits their perpetual artificial existence, in the first place.
The bottom line is that America really ought to stand for something of real merit, and what that should really be is an America which provides for each one of its citizens, a fair opportunity to be a home owner, to have a stable job, and basically to have all the accouterments that demonstrate that this nation really is the greatest nation that the world has ever known, by virtue of the fact, that even the least amongst us, has a place to call their own, good healthcare, money in their pocket, and the luxury of having the extra time to actually enjoy the best of America.