“…the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today…” / by kevin murray

The above quotation comes from the incomparable Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on April 4, 1967, in his speech known as “Beyond Vietnam.” Quite regrettably, one year exactly from this date, he was assassinated. The answer as given to the question as to who is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world as of 1967, was as stated by Dr. King, the United States of America. Of course, during this time, the United States was in its escalation phase on its war to “liberate” Vietnam from communist insurgents, even though this war was more accurately, a civil war, and of which, Vietnam is in no close proximity to the United States. Sadly, over fifty years later, one could make the very same argument that the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today, is still the United States, for it likes to bring war onto country after country, and prefers to do so by bombing, mining, and pretty much doing all that can be done to make life miserable for those that are unfortunate enough to live within the borders of a country, that the United States, feels must be both “shocked and awed.” For all those, that don’t believe this statement is true, one must wonder, with America having the largest annual military budget by over $500 billion over any other nation, how it could possibly be conceivable that some other country brings even more violence.

Additionally, the violence within the domestic borders of this the land of the free, is absolutely staggering in the consideration that this is supposed to be the land of opportunity, egalitarianism, racial equality, and justice. But, in actuality the ever-growing disparity between the haves and have nots, alongside of a bifurcated America which while having the best of best in regards to education, healthcare, and income for the fortunate – is also the very same country that has ghettos of despair, in which hope, opportunity, and fairness, is virtually completely absent for the unfortunate. So too, the ill health of America is shown by its entertainment industry which too often glorifies gratuitous violence, loveless sex, and amoral stories, in order to provide a looking glass, for those that have nothing to really look forward to and no good driven purpose in life.

We learn from those that are around us, and through the behavior good and bad, of those that would lead us. When the richest nation that the world has ever known, insists that “…Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists…” this is indicative of a nation that has clearly lost its way and has abandoned its moral compass as apparently being too confining. It is extremely disappointing, that the military-industrial-technology complex of today is arguably far more dangerous than it was at the height of the misbegotten Vietnam war. The fact that this efficient military killing machine has mastered how to kill and to destroy without having to necessarily put many boots on the ground; so done by utilizing drones, robots, and sophisticated computer technology to track, target and to eradicate whatever it so desires, with a pliant press that hears and sees nothing amiss, and pretty much says nothing to rock the boat, is reflective that the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today, has only gotten appreciatively better at this the most disappointing of trades.