Our true value / by kevin murray

There a lot of people that believe that their worth is in the possessions that they have and the accomplishments that they have achieved, and while those things may indeed have merit, while also seeming to matter quite a lot to other people, to believe somehow that this represents therefore our ultimate value is fundamentally flawed. Rather, a better perspective is to understand that to the degree that our possessions have utility, and to the degree that our accomplishments contribute value to the betterment of society, that is to the good; however, our true value should not be measured by just that, but should instead be measured by who we are, in essence.

A game in which our constant focus is to keep up with the Joneses, should be seen for the distraction and the misstep that it so represents. So too, those that are overly concerned about how they are perceived by others, as if our validity should come through those others, are clearly barking up the wrong tree. Additionally, while one must give credit where credit is due, for those that have put their nose to the grindstone and have achieved through their perseverance and drive, achievements of real worth; to do so, while losing track of family obligations, or of friends, or of our Creator, though, is to value more, what should rightly be valued less.

In order to understand our true value, we first need to understand who and what we really are; for in knowing that, we therefore comprehend what we need to aspire to. Unfortunately, what so many people do, is that they don’t raise their sight, high enough; often getting so caught up in this material world, that they lose sight of the fact that they would be far better served and far more satisfied by improving their character so as to demonstrate in action to others, their empathy, their patience, their good advice, and their caring, one person to another, as opposed to just plain working hard. Ultimately, so many things in this world, are simply transitory, as well as being endlessly repeatable, of which, we don’t need then to overly participate in that which doesn’t make us a better person or a better neighbor but rather serves to distract us from the big picture and thereby the path that we need to be on.

If this life was really all about how much that we have or how powerful that we are, it would clearly be a construct in which there would never be any lasting happiness, especially because of the fear that we have of losing such. So then, anytime we are intimately involved in a situation, in which at least part of our success depends upon our exploitation or our taking advantage of others that aren’t as sharp, or savvy, that is going to be a society which will clearly divide into those that have, against those that have not; thereby sustaining the belief that this world is an ever-going battle of oppositional forces and not ever one of mutual cooperation. That mindset is fundamentally wrong, for that which we really are, implicitly understands that there is no limit in that which is limitless, and there is no division in that which is indivisible; signifying that this world is meant for us to search inside to thereby become that which enlightens us and to subsequently pass that knowledge on to those that are in a self-imposed darkness.