If there are no moral absolutes then there will never be any fair justice / by kevin murray

Some people like to believe or perhaps take solace in believing, that morals, change as the times change; but as pleasing and self-serving as that might be to some people, that would indicate that the Lawgiver, would thereby be subject to change, and therefore mutable, which simply isn’t conceivable or true.  So then, for a certainty, there are moral absolutes, of which it is the duty of humankind to know those moral absolutes, in order therefore to live their lives in a manner that is in harmony with their Creator and therefore become rightful heirs to their Creator.  So too, there are those clever or not so clever people that misunderstand moral absolutes, in a manner in which what has so occurred, has to be judged in a certain specific, by the book, and unchangeable way, without taking into account the full and complete picture as well as all of the nuances thereof.  All of this basically indicates, that because humankind does not have a firm grasp on moral absolutes and therefore are not enlightened enough to judge such appropriately and at all times, that there cannot ever be fair justice in this world.  This though, doesn’t reflect that humankind should not make the effort to judge correctly, or not to search faithfully so as to better understand moral absolutes, because progress as a species is our sacred obligation to our Creator, for it is in the trying and then the successful application, thereof, that we walk ever closer to the light.


Understand this well, in the end, there will be fair justice, as it cannot and will not ever be denied, no matter how long that it takes.  Further to the point, there is a known moral compass that rules this world and beyond, and it is our duty to not only to discover those rules but to live by those rules, for in doing so, we will help to make this world in the present a better place to be, which is our highest obligation so owed to our fellow humankind.  This indicates that in the skeins of time, the march of humankind is successful whenever those steps are in the direction of peace, harmony, patience, kindness, and justice, no matter the missteps and slips that invariably happen, for this is a destination that we must so reach.


The fact that there are moral absolutes, should give us comfort, because this indicates that not only is the arc of the universe bent towards justice, but that there is fair justice, at the end of that arc, so that all will surely end well.  Those though that insist that moral absolutes do not apply to them, or care not for them, or wish to distort them, have played the fool, of which, the penalty of such is to recycle in and out, over and over again, until the fool, wakes up to the reality that the world does not revolve around their misrepresentations and lies, but is based instead upon unchangeable truth, of which only that truth, will set those that are in chains of their own making, free.