“Prevention is better than a cure” / by kevin murray

America is the land of shortcuts, but shortcuts can get people in all sorts of trouble, so then when it comes to a given person’s health, a lot of times those that have diseases that could kill or debilitate them such as cancer, or heart disease, or a stroke, have not found themselves all that often born into that situation but rather these typically have been diseases of the body that take a lot of time to develop, and the cure for such is often not guaranteed, whatsoever.  This thus implies that any disease that typically takes a long time to develop is therefore a disease of which there should be prudent steps that could be taken in order to prevent its occurrence in many a person.  So then, as the adage tells us, “Prevention is better than a cure,” for those that take the responsible steps to prevent a bad health situation, are in far better shape than those that have to rely upon a cure.


So too, countries that run massive deficits, year after year, no matter the circumstances, and never seem to take the time to get their respective house in order, must know for a certainty that the only real cure for such is going to be extreme fiscal discipline or the re-evaluation of the coin of the realm which can cause catastrophic economic conditions, civil unrest, and even starvation, in order to effect the cure.  Whereas, those countries that make sound fiscal decisions, that may necessitate some tightening of the belt, here and there, while also making it their point to devote resources to those things that will produce meaningful benefits in the future, by investing in good infrastructure and education, while also avoiding as much as possible needless monies spent on foreign entanglements, military killing machines, and the like, will find that doing so makes for the tranquility of a nation by the prevention of having to utilize a drastic cure.  


Additionally, when it comes to our own eternal destiny, those that have made selfish decisions that have hurt others, while lacking also in noteworthy goals and motivation, and have engaged in ill-advised behavior, time and time again, will find that the cure for such, is a destination that they may strongly regret being compelled to go to.  Whereas, those that are selfless in their interactions, are primarily givers and not takers, that have put together goals of merit that they had the motivation to go after, and while making mistakes and errors, have not made any catastrophic ones, while also endeavoring to make good on those errors, will find that by their engaged dedication, the destination that they will be designated for, is reserved for those that had the aforethought to do the right thing, even when not being overtly watched, in the right belief that by doing good and being preventive, has its reward, in and of itself.


America has way too many advertisements that sell the illusion that by having this cosmetic surgery, or by taking that pill, or by attending some fly-by-night expensive seminar, or by listening to some shady motivational speaker or fraudulent preacher, that all will end well, which it might; though, in truth, because of one’s lack of preparation or prevention, it often is too late for that sort of cure to take hold and work.