Each one of us was created for a purpose / by kevin murray

The God that created us, did so, because our Creator saw the value of companionship, and further to the point, knew that true companionship, necessitated that that which was so created would have free will, from the beginning.  So too, the creation of us as free will beings, is a reflection that only those that have a real choice, are truly free to walk their own path and to therefore to make their own decisions, for better or for worse.  That belief quite obviously makes for an interesting dynamic, of which, if everyone else also believed this to be true, one would expect that this world would be a better place to live in, in the sure knowledge that each one of us is gifted with free will as well as other unalienable rights, thereby making us all equal.  Regrettably, the misery that we so readily see in this world, is a reflection, that clearly there are many that believe in their own personal free will and their own unalienable rights, but apparently do not believe that certain others, have been gifted with the same. 


Because of all the conflict, hate, and misery that seems to be part and parcel of this world, one might have a tendency to think that the free will decision so provided to humankind, must have been some sort of misjudgment on our Creator’s part.  But, not to worry, for one’s views of such, are tempered by one’s own prejudices, mindset and life experiences, of which, there are plenty of people that are able to see and experience the world and the human interactions within it, in a far more positive way, and further, case after case, demonstrates that there are many individuals that will sacrifice themselves, in selfless acts for others, for they are caring, patient, just, and forgiving.  This thus so indicates that despite all the bad actors and bad actions, that there are also a lot of good deeds so done each and every day, by good actors that voluntarily choose to do exactly that.


Further to the point, each of us is gifted with a good mind, of which, through the usage of our mind, which consists of the knowledge that we have been able to accumulate through our experiences, studies, conversations,  as well as through our own initiatives, have provided us with an opportunity to discover our purpose in life, and through working to that purpose to therefore develop into a better person; for the whole point of our being here is to make the world a better place for our contribution to it.  After all, to everything of value, there must be a purpose, and our purpose, collectively, is to be that which really matters, which is to properly pay homage to that which created us, by emulating the characteristics that make for a perfect creator, such as love, justice, fairness, and joy.  It would be well to remember that we matter deeply to God, because by providing each one of us with free will, God has given us the greatest gift of them all, which is the choice between being God’s good children and therefore rightful heirs to the throne, or to waste what we have in disobedience and riotous living, of which, through thick and thin, no matter the eons of time, those that are lost, will not be forgotten, for the good Shepherd and God’s good children, won’t rest till all have been found.