There is something to be said about going after our own self-interest, for that certainly seems to make sense for a given individual, to thereby follow their own dreams and to pursue their freely chosen path; and while it probably is a good thing that not everybody has the exact same self-interest in mind -- for that would simply make that particular pathway way too crowded -- it is, though, not a good thing that self-interests from one party to another, have a very strong tendency to inevitably collide against one another, of which, those collisions reflect self-interests that are at variance with one another, and thereby the raison d’etre for why there is so much misery, hate, and violence in this world.
For all those that are hoping and desiring for a better world, of more harmony, justice, opportunity, and fairness, this cannot conceivably come about through the implementation of each individual’s self-interest, above all Rather, people need to step back, in order to get some proper perspective as to what each one of us should actually be about; and if possible to wrap our heads around the need to see all other people as equally entitled to the very same unalienable rights that we have been so graciously gifted with. This thus signifies that when we are truly able to see other people as equally valid, and therefore we subsequently treat people the same way that we honestly wish to be treated in return by those people, then the divisions between one party to another, that seem to be so divisive will begin to erode away, for by that respect that we have extended to others, will in return, be the respect that we so receive.
None of the above, has anything to do with us behaving in a robotic fashion or doing this or that in some sort of mechanical fashion, as if our humanity and personality must be suppressed so as to not let our errors and prejudices to get the better of our behavior; but rather has everything to do with extending the courtesy and respect that each individual deserves, basically because they have been created by the exact same Creator that so created us. So too, treating people the same way that we desire to be treated, probably means that when people do something that is wrong, or stupid, that we are less prone to desire cruelty or harshness in response, but instead we become more inclined to be forgiving and reasonable, to the degree and the perspective of the wrong so done.
The only possible way that each one of us can have the exact same thing, is only if that thing so desired, is eternal, omnipotent, immutable, perfect, and just. Those that seek for something other than that, are going to be disappointed in one way or another, time and time again; for anytime that we place self, above all, we are going to have to fight tooth and nail, against all those others, that have the exact same mindset and won’t give ground on such.
While life with conflict, may will make for an interesting drama; and while selfishness might just feel really good -- neither one can ever make us feel complete; those, however, that take that higher road of understanding that we truly are all in this together, are going to find, to their joy, though, the only prize really worth keeping.