Separate and clearly unequal / by kevin murray

The United States is not an integrated country, for in virtually every community of size, there is a distinct separation of the races.  That is not to say, that there isn’t any integration at all, but rather to say, that the amount of segregation that currently exists between the favored race and minorities is so prevalent, that it can only be by design, and not happenstance.


So too, laws and civil rights so passed to specifically address such issues, while no doubt, having brought some progress and opportunity to those previously denied a fair shot, has still disappointingly got an incredibly long way to travel yet.  For instance, those that are white, live longer than those that are black; white people also have a much higher percentage of Bachelor’s degrees and advanced degrees than so achieved than blacks; in addition, white people earn a higher income on average than blacks, and finally in the accumulation of wealth, white people absolutely dominate black people’s accumulated wealth.  In all of these things of substance so measured, which has a fair amount to do with the quality of a given person’s life, the favored race, still is in the command position, which demonstrates in principle, that much more needs to be done in order to help uplift those that have been unjustly oppressed for so long.


After all, in a construct in which money and wealth equates to power, those that have more, are going to typically control the direction of where this country goes, unless held firmly in check by its Constitution and fair judicial decisions, so of.  That is to say, the unfairness that America so represents in circumventing egalitarianism, is in actuality clear to even the most uneducated eye, thereby signifying that whatever means that have been taken to date to deal with systemic racism, redlining of housing, gerrymandering of districts, and prejudicial police and corrupt jurisprudence has not been dealt with forthrightly or effectively.


If this country will not live up to its guiding principles, then this country and its governance is a counterfeit to that Constitution and its Declaration of Independence.  As long as there is breath in this country, though, there is the opportunity to take what has historically been wrong and to make it right.  None of this is really all that difficult, for the necessary words have already been written that there will be no discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex or national origin; yet clearly there is still that discrimination.


Here stands today, though, the historic opportunity, to prove to the world, which has its own troubles and difficulties, that America, first amongst all nations, demonstrated the wherewithal to successfully take peoples from different national origins, different creeds, and different races, and through the process of a dedicated and determined governance truly lived the proposition that all of humankind is created equally by the very hand of God, in which, each was afforded a fair opportunity of good housing, good healthcare, good education, and good employment, and of which each of us was thereupon fairly judged by the content of one’s character, no more and no less.