Of course, history teaches us that the Civil War was won by the North, of which, the subjugation of those Southern States, that had wrongfully abandoned their perpetual duty of unity with these United States, to which they had seceded from that union, in order to form their own nation, was built upon the notion that “no …law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.” The defeat of those Southern States, meant that through the passage of the 13th-15th Amendments to the Constitution, that slavery was thereby abolished, as well as that all those born or naturalized within the United States were citizens of it, and that all men, irrespective of former servitude, had the right to vote. Yet, as good and as valuable as those Amendments were, what the North had failed to do was to listen to the voice of Congressmen Thaddeus Stevens who in September of 1865, in his reconstruction speech, stated “…we propose to confiscate all the estate of every rebel belligerent whose estate was worth $10,000, or whose land exceeded two hundred acres in quantity.”
That is to say, it is well to remember, that those Southern States, having illegally seceded from that perpetual union of States and further to the point, having established their own nation, were thereby after their defeat -- which cost this nation hundreds of millions upon millions of dollars, as well as the loss of blood, life, and infrastructure, throughout this storied land, and of which that confederacy received no quarter by that union, but the unconditional surrender of their arms, were in no position, moral or otherwise, other than to accept whatsoever conditions were so demanded by that union.
Additionally, and to the point, the uprising of the Southern cause, was primarily caused by its aristocracy, the pride and the honor of those that were the actuators of that movement – of which, it specifically was those people, the richest and the most powerful of southerners, that duly deserved upon their defeat to sacrifice all of their material assets to that united nation which had conquered them -- in lieu of their physical life. Regrettably, this was not done, neither were these ignoble rebels executed, or even incarcerated, but basically, with very few exceptions, those that had had the audacity to take up arms against the United States, on behalf of defending their peculiar institution of the enslavement of human beings of a darker complexion, were permitted to keep, for the most part, the land, the possessions, and the power, that they previously had, with the sole exception of the ownership of their former slaves.
This thus meant that as the Northern side lost interest in the South, and thereby took a more laissez-faire attitude, that the Southern powers that be, began their inevitable rise to re-take power, and by virtue, that the land that they owned was still theirs, they were able to effectuate all that they could ever want, and pretty much re-structure a lifestyle that permitted them to utilize their land for good profit, own the law, and to dominate those that were formally slaves, by the conjunction of having those very things.
The time to make that change and thereby to provide a fair opportunity to those that were formerly enslaved was at the point of the defeat of those Southern rebels, and subsequently with the re-distribution of that Southern land this would have provided the way and the means for those with no material assets and of little education to become something of earned merit. This did not happen and that is why this country is not just, and has no peace.