In a nation as rich as the United States, ghettos would seem to be something that should not actually exist, but exist they so do. First and foremost, there is the continuing lie of this country being an actual melting pot, in which we are led to believe that we are on a pathway of the amalgamation of different ethnicities, different creeds, and different classes, but America does not come close to practicing or even making meaningful progress to that which it so nobly preaches. Even the most cursory of looks indicates that in most major cities, races are predominantly segregated one from another, as well as there being the purposeful separation of unfavored creeds from the mainstream creed, in addition to the fact that high-income people deliberately segregate themselves from those that are impoverished. Rather than this being a nation united, this is clearly a nation divided, of which the greatest shame so of, is reflected by the multitudes of people corralled into impoverished ghettos that demonstrate fairly that America is really the land of exploitation, unfairness, and injustice.
So too, it must be stated that there is nothing random about the separateness and segregation in America, and therefore nothing random about American ghettos consisting primarily as centers of despair for those that are minorities and are of color. America professes some of the most inspiring and meaningful sentiments so ever written or so heard, but the follow through by that country and its countrymen demonstrates in living color that this is not an egalitarian nation, nor one of equal opportunity, and that clearly its justice halls are definitely respecters of connected persons, of which, the most powerful and propertied people of this nation far too often live the belief of “not in my backyard,” and in this they have been quite successful in propagating this mindset throughout our biggest metropolitan cities, in a manner in which they are protected and augmented; whereas, those in the ghetto are there for the express purpose of exploitation and control.
When blacks first began their great migration into the big industrial cities of the north, that seemed to offer them opportunity, hope and promise; they were welcomed by such under the implied if not expressed condition that they must willingly congregate into their own zones to live their lives in, with the exception of their being permitted to work wherever that they were needed to work, under the conditions of employment so dictated by those that employed them. Yet, these same minorities in the communities that they resided in were subject to taxation, and thereby found to their dismay that their taxes so collected, were not being utilized for infrastructure so needed in their communities, by those in charge of disbursing those taxes on behalf of the public. Additionally, loans and credit needed for businesses, homes, and upkeep within minority communities, were systematically not served by banking and credit institutions, thereby precluding minorities from having the good opportunity to build businesses as well as to increase equity in their own homes -- directly leading to those communities becoming dilapidated from the lack of such investment, and the paucity of tax dollars being fairly contributed within their community.
The main reason why so many minorities find themselves in these ghettos of despair, is to make the task of controlling, manipulating, and abusing them, so much easier for the powers that be. After all, what the general public does not see and does not visit, is often the same to them as if it doesn’t exist. And if it doesn’t exist, then for all intents and purposes, it sure won’t be changed.