Why we need adversity / by kevin murray

When we look though the skeins of time, we are provided with the fair opportunity to get perspective, and through that perspective to truly understand that as much as we might want to rail against the system, for unfairness, discrimination, meanness and injustice, which surely has its place; we need to also on the other hand, acknowledge that through such adversity successfully dealt with we can personally rise up and grow.  That is to say, adversity can be rightly seen as providing an opportunity for people to develop within their repertoire, positive attributes such as resiliency, patience, and perseverance, as well as a better understanding that part of life does indeed consist of those battles that give each one of us the opportunity to rise up to that occasion and to embody that which we were always meant to be.


While it might seem to make sense that the best days of our lives, are those days when seemingly everything goes our way, and thereby it is as if we are living in the lap of luxury – that isn’t really so; for that fantasy is belied by the fact, that actually our best days are those days when so faced with something seemingly impossible to deal with, that we were eventually successful in overcoming and vanquishing such; for those indeed are the very best and the most satisfying of days.


When we look around and see the world as it really is, or our community for that matter, or our own personal life, then we must be honest enough to reflect correctly that we need to do our part to help make things better, because that is our highest and most noble calling.   So then, all those that have faced adversity and have overcome, have the necessary strength of character to help others to do the very same thing.  Additionally, overcomers are the type of people that do not easily give up, but rather often see obstacles as something to be faced with the courage of those who know that what needs to be accomplished, should be accomplished.


After all, those that live lives that face no adversity, are probably not going to be prepared to deal with what needs to be dealt with, when all hell brings loose.  Those, though that have done their part, will be prepared to do battle not only because they are battle prepared, but also because they know that given enough time, good preparation, the righteousness of their actions, as well as unity, that those that are firmly on the right side, will so overcome.


Sure, it doesn’t seem right when we get knocked down, or suffer one indignity after another, but all of this will not last forever, though it might seem that it will; yet, for a certainty it will surely pass.  To believe otherwise, is to believe that there isn’t any justice, but in fact, justice never sleeps, and never will rest, until each one of us awakens to the reality that through adversity, we do grow, and mature, along with developing wisdom, and thereby becoming what we were always meant to be.