The importance of habeas corpus / by kevin murray

Those so arrested by the policing arm of the state, seldom wish to be arrested, and therefore the arresting of virtually anyone, is essentially an act of the state of taking away one’s freedom, against that person’s will.  This thus indicates that when one’s very freedom is wrested away from them, that the state has not only the obligation to justify its actions but must be held accountable for such; for the natural state of humankind in the United States, is for people to be of liberty and thereby free to pursue what they so desire to do, per their own volition.


Habeas corpus is a Latin phrase, and is typically defined as “you have the body,” so meaning that the policing arm of the state is required by law to produce the “body” to a judge or appropriate court so as to determine as to whether or not the person so being held, against their will, is thereby considered to be legally appropriate or not.   This signifies that the state must subsequently produce the evidence that the charge against the person so being held against their will must be made to that court of law so that it can be properly investigated, and thereby a determination by that court is made as to the legitimacy of such.  That is to say, when the state is allowed or permitted to imprisoned anybody for any reason that it so desires, and is thereby not required by a court of law or writ to produce that person to be properly examined by an independent arbiter, then the state, for all intents and purposes, is functionally a police state, in which one’s freedom is determined solely by the powers that be.


There are a lot of countries that do not have habeas corpus, though, some of those countries have something that serves the same type of purpose; but there are many other countries, that simply do not have habeas corpus or its equivalency, for those countries know that the power to arrest anybody at anytime and thereby not have to ever produce that person again, or any evidence against that person, provides them with the power to effectively control, intimidate, manipulate, and to thereby essentially silence those that the government considers to be a danger to them, or that they consider to be a menace to their rule. 


The natural state of humankind is to be free, and the unnatural state therefore is to be subject to having that freedom taken away, arbitrarily; signifying that any state entity that takes away one’s freedom, must be held accountable to an independent court of law, that fairly adjudicates the appropriateness of such action so having been taken. That is why habeas corpus is so important, for the policing arm of the state must be held accountable to the Constitution of the state, and when that policing arm of the state has overstepped its bounds, wittingly or not, such needs to be rectified for the good of the people of that state; for this country was created to secure the blessings of liberty for its people as opposed to having such capriciously taken away.