The Brown v. Board of Education decision, so reached by the Supreme Court in 1954, was what appeared to be one of those seminal judgments that would recognize first of all that separate but equal schools, were an absolute disgrace and a lie -- as those schools so separated and set aside for minorities were not even close to being equal to the favored race. Further, the Supreme Court indicated that in order for minorities to have a fair chance at a good public education and not therefore to be treated as second-class citizens or even worse, that those previously so denied equal opportunity to achieve a good education, would via “all deliberate speed” have that opportunity. The reality is that this did not occur, of which, while the blame could be laid at the feet of all sorts of places, people, and institutions, none of that helps to resolve this very pressing problem that is grossly unfair to millions of children that are thereby denied the opportunity of receiving a good quality education.
The most appropriate way to rectify this current mess, is for the Federal government to assert itself in regards to the public school system akin to what it has done in previous times with recalcitrant States, municipalities, and the like, by withholding federal funding, as necessary, from infrastructure projects for each State and municipality until such becomes in full compliance with the intent of the law. The first necessary step would be to determine the racial percentages of each public school within the counties of each State, and all those schools in which the minority percentage of the students so attending is found to be less than 50% of what the minority percentage of school-age children are within that county or district, would be compelled by law to have their school budgets reduced so as to match the median school budget of that county or district, and of which the funds from those overfunded schools would thereby be provided instead to those public schools that were currently under the median school budget of the county or district, of which this would continue, until the minority percentage of that overfunded public school reached the minimum standard so set for minority enrollment.
By doing the above, this would first reduce the advantages of those public schools which have higher budgets and clearly have more desirable features in their schools, by providing, instead, a portion of those funds to those schools so lacking such; as well as basically facing the reality that as damaging as segregation can be, that in America, in regards to public schools, this seems to be an intractable problem, thereby necessitating that the least this Federal government owes to those that are most at risk, is better quality schools for those areas of communities, that fundamentally lack such. In truth, impoverished areas of any community, are capable of having and should have quality educational facilities for the schooling of children within those communities, in which more money so provided for such, will alleviate some of the harm, though not all of it, that is the current status within those neglected communities and their public schools.
The federal law to integrate at all deliberate speed in public schools, was in theory, resolved in 1954; but in reality, this has not been addressed at a significantly meaningful level. This thus signifies that the only way to rectify this, is by the Federal government stepping in and allocating as well as re-allocating monies as needed so as to obtain fairness for all pupils that attend public schools, and if necessary, to hold accountable, all those that do not and will not conform to Constitutional law.