Life is unnecessarily filled with far more trouble, disharmony, ill feelings, lack of respect, and mistreatment than is really necessary or appropriate. While there are many reasons for why this is so, the reality is that if more people treated others in a manner in which they honestly so wished to be treated, and thereby took the time to try to see the other persons’ viewpoint, there would be a whole lot less disharmony and trouble in our communities and in our world.
The very first thing to acknowledge, is that the world does not and never will revolve exclusively around our own personal desires and wants; but rather, we must learn to successfully share the world with others; so then, it follows that we need to recognize that each person, is entitled to the same unalienable rights that all of us are entitled to, no more and no less. While this might be a difficult concept for some people to wrap their head around, it is fundamentally a concept that must be accepted as being the truth. That is to say, most of the problems so created by humankind, can easily be considered to lay at the feet, of those that believe, wrongly, that they are exclusively entitled to certain rights, privileges and immunities for whatever reason, and that those others have merely a subset of such.
Once we begin to see that each and every person has the same validity that we are entitled to, then it becomes a far easier path to recognize that because we are all equally valid, that it so follows that we should treat people in a manner that is consistent with that belief; thereby signifying that we should treat people the same way that we desire to be treated, which therefore makes us consistent, and not hypocritical. None of the foregoing, signifies that we are all mere cookie-cutter replicas with the same this or same that, but rather reflects that though we may differ in a lot of aspects and backgrounds, we are similar in our constitution and that is what really matters.
In this world there is far too much hatred and divisiveness of which those who wish to add to such, are misguided at best, as well as also being clearly wrong in their destructive behavior. The world does not need more people that know how to destroy, hurt, or to be vengeful, but rather it needs more people that desire to repair, fix, and to be accommodating. No doubt, it isn’t easy at times to hold our tongue, or to not strike back against someone that has badly hurt us, but to retaliate against another, especially without thinking it through, seldom resolves the real issues at hand; whereas those that are in command of knowing who and what they really are, are best able to utilize the appropriate discretion and wisdom so needed in trying situations, especially when they consider that to err and to be mistaken, are part and parcel of the human experience.
It is important for each one of us, to find a way with others to be more forgiving, more understanding, and less judgmental, in conscious recognition that the same laws, just or unjust, that we wish to have utilized against another, are fairly to be the same laws that will be applicable to our own selves in our own life.