The greatest truth is that God loves each and every one of His creations, exactly the same, as well as that love for each one of us, is absolutely unconditional. This signifies that there is nothing that we can do to become God’s favorite, for God has no favorite; nor is there anything that we can do that is so terrible or wrong that we will ever lose God’s love for us. This indicates, amongst many things, that in God, we have no greater friend, for God never abandons us or rejects us, no matter what.
For any one of us, to actually have unconditional love for a fellow human being is something that seems to be virtually impossible, but it is in the sincere trying that we are thereby able to make progress, day-by-day. Further to the point, the very concept of unconditional love, should encourage us to take a look at those that we interact with, and especially at those that we find to be difficult, and thereby to understand the necessity that fundamentally each one of us has the exact same value, so that it doesn’t behoove us to separate our self from that which we are actually a part of.
None of the above, signifies that what we do, does not matter; for it absolutely does matter whether we are actually good or bad. What must be taken to heart, though, is that the judgmental bias that so many of us suffer from, we are better off dropping from our personal repertoire, in the recognition that God absolutely never gets it wrong, and since God is unconditional love, then we need to spend less time criticizing, fighting, and hurting one another, and thereby more time being supportive, forgiving, and loving.
After all, if all we love is only our own, as in our family, our life, our job, and so on and so forth; then we really have not progressed or evolved all that much. Rather, we need to look outside ourselves, and endeavor to see that commonality that each one of us has in kind; for every one of us is created out of the exact same substance, and all are truly equal in the eyes of God, so then our fair obligation to God, is therefore to do our part to take that which appears to have become separated and to thereby gather up those pieces and start to stitch them back together in order to help create that necessary picture of unity, harmony, and one.
Humankind, unnecessarily spends far too much time and wrongly buys into the construct that certain people and certain societies, are inherently superior to other people and other societies, and thereby essentially believes that because they are superior, that they have the right to rule the roost, and through that mindset all sorts of havoc ensue, which does little or nothing to help make this world a better place for all. Instead, there should be the conscious recognition that out of many different cultures, many different families, and many different backgrounds, that the objective of the exercise is to, through blood, sweat, and tears, become united under the principle that we each are adherents to unconditional love by being that love one to another.