As much as some people prefer not to think about it, or simply to ignore it, or seemingly don’t care about it, the bottom line is that nothing that is born into this material world, will ever be able to live forever in this world, but must eventually experience material death. So then, that would seem to say, either of two things, of which the first is that life has no real purpose, for our very birth is ultimately our death sentence; or the alternative which is that our birth here, really represents the leaving of our natural state, which is spirit, in order to incarnate physically, whereupon our actions and deeds thereof are meant to represent in truth our sincerity to our purpose for being, before our inevitable departure to our natural state of spirit.
So then, at a minimum, all those that understand that they are eternal beings, should want to reflect that truth by their actions in the here and now. This signifies that as much as we might get caught up in the day-to-day activities and diversions that this world so represents, we owe it our ourselves to maintain our focus, and therefore not to concentrate too much on that which is temporal, for it fundamentally takes us away from that which really eternally matters. That is to say, our duty here on earth, is to help make this world a better place, by behaving in a manner in which we respect and aid others, display patience, express our concern, and give compassion one to another. All the other stuff, especially the negative, involving such characteristics as domination, meanness, selfishness, and dishonesty, don’t serve any good purpose, but rather serves to distract us from the only prize that really matters.
Nobody really wants to live a life of regret, but a significant amount of people, have the good capacity to self-reflect honestly enough, to see that their lives have some degree of failure and hence of regret. That regret often comes down to having not spent the necessary time doing that which really matters and has lasting value, as compared to that which brings at best, a temporary sugar high, but does not come close to standing the true test of time. After all, a proper perspective would clearly indicate that those that see the testing ground of earth, as being something other than a testing ground, are going to have a strong inclination to miss the forest for the trees; for all those that fail that test, are compelled to keep going back to that which they need to go back to, until they graduate to the understanding that the true point of our existence is to seek and to truly know that which is the actuator of it all.
The fact that our physical body cannot escape death, is indicative that the physical should not be our main concern and should never be paramount over our eternal soul. Those that recognize that we are children of God, thereby have an inherent obligation to pay proper homage to that God, by taking upon themselves longsuffering, faithfulness; and expressing joy whenever possible; for they understand implicitly that to unduly love that which is only thus created for our edification, but not the Creator of that domain, is a dead-end road that should never be taken; but rather, instead, these dedicated souls make it their committed purpose to not ever relent in their devoted search for that stellar stairway which leads them to Heaven.