The real reason that there are so many laws as well as the inconsistent interpretation of those laws is so that those that are not part of the favored class, such as the disenfranchised, poor, those of certain creeds as well as those of certain races are thereby subject to being harassed, arrested, victimized, fined, and ultimately having their freedom wrested away from them at a moment's notice with little or no Constitutional protection to preclude such. The bottom line is that the policing arm of the state have seemingly the absolute power to disrupt anyone's life that they so wish to disrupt, only ameliorated by those that have some semblance of power behind them, which thereby provides those people with a modicum of Constitutional protection.
Millions upon millions of Americans rightly fear their government, because that government, has the power to enforce whatever that it is that it desires to enforce, of which, the pushback from the people and the institutions that defend those people via the principles of the Constitution, are in many instances, lacking in the resources and thereby the influence to effectively preserve the freedoms that all are, in theory, equally entitled to, which is why so many are arrested, harassed, and incarcerated.
Anytime that any government has the power to essentially find something that the people are guilty of, and thereby are able to enforce that belief against the people, even if such is eventually overturned or dismissed through some court of law, that government has already achieved what it so desired to achieve which is at a minimum, the intimidation and the marginalization of those that oppose or are an inconvenience to that government. In truth, the resources of the government, are essentially unlimited, over and above the fact, it is the government that has the power to take a person's right just to be about their personal business, away from them, with virtually no ill consequences for that government when it is overzealous in doing exactly that.
Those that run this government do not really mind those that have unorthodox viewpoints or dissenting opinions as long as these are expressed in a manner in which there is no ill effect to those that are acting the part of a tyrant. It is only when the government perceives those that dissent as a clear and present danger to them, or the potential thereof, that the government is quick to act in a manner in which they assert themselves in a way in which the policing arm of the state, under the guise of national security, safety, law and order, or similar, is used as the impetus to pick up the "usual suspects."
This is why there are so many laws in America, and wide interpretations of those laws, so that those that are in control of the business of America, have the constant wherewithal to clamp down where they need to do so, and when it serves the interests of the state to do that. Further to the point, this country makes sure to have a constant source of bogeymen, foreign and domestic, that thereby necessitates their ever vigilant guard so as to protect the people; though in reality, they aren't protecting the people, but rather they are protecting their fiefdoms from being legitimately questioned, let alone being fairly taxed, fairly regulated, and fairly examined by the people.