It's important to understand that in the scheme of things, each one of us should want to be good by the doing of good things for others, but yet it isn't always that obvious that what we are doing is even good to begin with. For instance, lots of people like to think that they are doing good, or think that they are one of the good guys, but yet there are those situations in which you have two people or even two countries, praying to the very same God, and of which they are at war one against the other, each believing wholeheartedly that what they are doing and standing for is good, but this can't in reality, be the case.
So the very first thing about good is the need to understand what good actually is. As it has been written in regards to the characteristics of good, we find that which is truly good, is that which propagates and diffuses itself, as compared to that which is limited and diminishes itself. So then, that which is good encourages others to become participants in it; thereby, spreading the wealth, and hence becoming as a rising tide for all boats.
This signifies that selfishness cannot be good, and all those activities that benefit the elite at the expense of the public are also not going to be good. Rather, good is never something that there is a finite supply of, but rather it is something of which the more people that take the time to devote themselves to becoming participants with it, will subsequently propagate that good, for the betterment of all. That which is good, is that which makes the world a better and a more just place.
Whenever we find people that co-opt good by claiming that which is good, when it is really not, the proof that we know that we are correct in our assessment is the fact that which really doesn't have the quality of good, is something that cannot or will not be shared, one with another, because it is really just beneficial for that one. So then what we discover is that the fundamental characteristic about good is that good is never a zero-sum game, but rather is something that expands the beneficial pie; this then, is good.
It so follows, that in order to do good, we need to find something that is clearly outside of our own self, something that helps to make things better, in the here or not, or in the future, and most importantly, that which is good, is always that which we intuitively know must be shared with others. In other words, something that is good, that has happened to us, or that we have brought about, is always going to also be that which we also are going to willingly share with others. When something is good, there is a joy that cannot be contained within just our own self and thereupon we desire to see that joy freely given to others, which we thereby know as that which is good.