Bread and wisdom / by kevin murray

There are all sorts of things that people in today's modern world think that they have a real need of; but what we really need does not necessarily correlate to what we have pictured in our mind as things that we have to have; for in fact, the list of what we really need is far more reasonable and attainable, not only for ourselves, but in actuality, for the world, at large. 


In this world, each one of us has a physical body, of which that physical body absolutely has its necessary needs, of which, the most basic summary of such, consists of our need to have fair access to food, water, shelter, cleanliness, as well as the necessity of rest.  To take it a bit further, bodies should live under the conditions of which the air is clean, the environment is devoid of any dangerous pollutants, the neighborhood is safe, and the opportunity to work as well as the advancement thereof, so as to therefore provide and to sustain one's life and one's family is fairly abundant.  In conjunction with those physical and work needs so being met, each one of us has a responsibility to build upon the generations that have come before us, so that we are thereby able to learn from the errors so made, previously; and therefore as a civilization, to evolve ourselves ever higher, generation by generation, as compared to repeating the errors of the past, or even worse, devolving our societies through misapplication and selfish greed.


This so indicates that the foundation of any good civilization, begins first with the necessity that our physical needs be reasonably met, and further that we apply ourselves diligently to not only our work, but in the improving of our minds, so that through that wisdom, properly applied, each succeeding generation, can go further than the one so preceding it.  Additionally, beyond the physical and our education, each of us should devote some part of our day to contemplating the question as to why we are here in this world to begin with, so that through that search, we are able to find our reason for being, as well as subsequently in understanding better our commonality with our fellow sojourners here on earth.


All those then, that therefore have advanced themselves further than their compatriots, have an inherent and even sacred obligation to take their wisdom and see that such is applied in such a manner that it is not done exclusively for one's own self-aggrandizement, but rather that it has been applied in a manner in which other people, can be uplifted, for none of us is an island.


So then, anytime that we see someone that is hungry or hurting, and seemingly without hope, and we subsequently turn our back upon them, explicitly or implicitly, we have not done what we should and ought to have done for them.  Further, those that we come across, that are ill-educated, of which we do not thereby desire to see that we do our part to help enlighten them, then we have not done what we should and ought to have done for them.  Each of us is meant to do our part to help uplift one another, whenever that we can, for the race is not to the swift, but rather it is always for those that recognize that no race is complete until all so finish it.