It is a crime to be poor / by kevin murray

The bottom line is that there are those laws that are primarily created by those that design them in a way in which they may appear to be of good intention, but in reality, are created in a manner in which it thereby becomes a pathway to exert social control over those elements of society, that they so deem to be in need of managing, molding, and perpetual oversight.  So then, rather than being transparent about those laws and the intended purpose of such, those in know deliberately create laws that give the illusion of fairness, but are definitely not fair in their application, so of.


This thus means that we find that, for instance, when all drivers are required to have car insurance, that while on the surface, this appears to be a fair, prudent, and a practical requirement, it really isn't.  For this requirement is far less fair and practical, for those that are already struggling to make and to meet their financial obligations, and thereby simply do not have the funds to pay also for car insurance, which seems to be one of those things, that is an expense, that is best left for another day.  Yet, to be in a car accident, without appropriate car insurance, can be more damaging for that unfortunate driver, than the actual damage of the accident itself; by virtue of that driver, being subject to possible criminal penalties, heavy monetary fines, along with the suspension of that person's driver's license.  So, in short, those that have made a decision based on the lack of ready funds, are thereby burden even more by the penalties for not paying the piper to begin with, without such taking into fair consideration that the funds were never really there to pay the piper for that insurance.


Additionally, it costs a ton of money for people to live in a residence of any sort; in fact, housing is typically the biggest monthly expense for most people, so that, quite obviously, for those that are down on their luck, for whatever reason, they are going to have to cut corners in order to make ends meet when they lack the funds or the stability to live at a particular place.  So then, as a consequence, some people are going to camp where they need to camp, or sleep in their vehicle, or on a park bench, or just about anywhere where they can get some sleep in, and the response by some authorities in certain jurisdictions is to address sleeping in a car or sleeping in a park or sleeping on a park bench, as an actual criminal act, which clearly does nothing about the root cause of such homelessness, but instead stigmatizes those that are struggling, by making criminals out of them. 


So too, as much as parents love their children, there are things and activities that have to be accomplished each and every day, so that, those that have to leave their children alone for some period of time, or in their car for a short duration, are prone to being susceptible to all sorts of well intentioned laws dealing with the good welfare of children, but applied almost exclusively against those lacking in the same accouterments and flexibility that parents with money, pale complexion, stability and position so have; in addition to that law being applied only against those that are pretty much defenseless to fight back.


Even though the mainstream narrative claims that it is no crime to be poor, we see, in fact, that the laws so written and applied, do indeed indicate the very opposite.