The preamble of our Constitution begins with these immortal words, "We the people of the United States," signifying that the creation of this country, was based upon the sovereignty of those people, and therefore that the people would not therefore have to pay obeisance to monarchies or dictators, or things of that ilk, but that the people were instead the masters and thereby the co-creators of their own government, and the Constitution so created, was to be their effective ruler, and therefore the highest law of this land.
This signifies, that those that are the least patriotic are all those people and institutions that do not adhere to this Constitutional principle, that this is a government of, for, and by the people; of which the greatest traitors to that principle are all those that aid and abet and/or participate in a "shadow government" that bypasses the people and instead sets itself up under the guise of a Constitutional republic; but is in form, fit and function, a governance that is of, for, and by those of privilege, connections, power, money, and military might.
This means that in order for the people to be masters of their own fate, that they need to diligently hold accountable all areas of that governance which effectively bypasses or ignores the people, by those usurpers, for example, aggrandizing into their own hands, powers not so vested to them by that Constitution. The fact is that in today's world it seems as if the people have seemingly ceded control of the sovereignty of their own lives, along with apparently giving up their unalienable rights of life, freedom, and self-determination, either wittingly or unwittingly to those that have become their illegitimate replacement masters.
Regrettably, this is no great surprise, for humankind and its corresponding governance often starts from great principles of egalitarianism and fairness but sadly is prone to becoming devolved into such being controlled by those that have a lust for power and greed; of which the people because they are so engaged in their day-to-day activities of conducting their livelihood, find themselves to a certain degree, quite susceptible to being hoodwinked or propagandized in such a way that what they once had, becomes no more.
Still, the highest law of this land is that Constitution, and as long as we have a Constitutional government, than the people still have a foundation to call and to lean upon; and of which, it is important that they do that very thing, because nothing in life is stagnant, and that which is not utilized and taken to heart as being of the utmost importance, has a strong tendency, especially when there are those corrupt others that are intent upon wresting such away, to weaken almost to irrelevancy.
In this country, we are meant to govern ourselves, and to govern ourselves in a manner in which we benefit one another, not just for this generation, but for generations to come. The loyalty that we owe one another, is that loyalty that recognizes that we all are equally entitled to the liberty and the freedom that this country represents in principle; of which, those that try to take our sovereignty away from us, overtly or covertly, under the guise of war, or safety, or false improvement, or because they claim to know better, are not our friends, but rather are enemies of the state.