As reported by, there is a significant amount of illegal immigration that has occurred within America of which it is estimated that as of 2017, 4.9 million of these immigrants originated from Mexico, another 1.9 million from Central America, 1.45 million from Asia, 775,000 million from South America, 475,000 from the Caribbean, and just 400,000 from Europe; of which these Europeans could be rightly considered to be the first "illegal immigrants" to America, and thereafter the many thousands upon thousands that came soon after them, were almost exclusively European, in origin.
So that, for better or for worse, when the Founding Fathers are pictured, they are pictured as exclusively being white Europeans, of which, this is mainly true. That said, in recent years, the perception of an all-white America has progressed to taking into fair consideration, a multitude of other cultural backgrounds, religions, and environments; yet, to a very large extent, the power, the politics, the corporations, and the fallback perception of America is still, even today, primarily a white vision.
When it comes to illegal immigration, unauthorized aliens, and the like, this is one of those topics which commonly invokes an awful rise out of a considerable percentage of people; some of it with some justification, some of it not, but really what it comes down to, more than anything else, is racism, pure and simple, under the bogus guise of the necessity to protect and to secure our borders. In other words, all this talk about illegal immigration and the all the complaints thereof, is at its core, a prejudice against the people so crossing those borders, of whom the majority are of color, and that typically do not speak English as their first language, as well as not favoring the look of our Founding Fathers.
The bottom line is that if those so crossing our borders from Mexico, Central America, Asia, South American and the Caribbean, were primarily white, blue-eyed, blond hair fine looking males and females, the golden door of America, so of, would be absolutely wide open, and the inscription upon the Statue of Liberty would be saying something akin to "Give me your strong, good looking, blonde, blue-eye people, so deserving to breathe free, of which we warmly welcome all of them with open arms upon our vibrant shores of promise and prosperity."
As much as the narrative about illegal immigration from those that claim to be strongly opposed to such, alleges as their reason things such as national security, job security, fairness and the like, the reality of the situation has far more to do with the color of the skin and the perception thereof of those crossing our borders, who are wrongly portrayed as being almost exclusively "rapists, criminals, drug mules, and animals," as having been so described as such by the highest level of government of these United States.
The fact of the matter is that the prevailing attitude of far too many of the representatives of this government, is racist against those that they feel do not belong within this country, of which the illegality of their immigration is just the cover that they so use to manifest their blatant racial discrimination; for if those so crossing our borders were primarily white, blue-eye, healthy, good looking blonds, those very same representatives would not be able to contain their joy or hold back their appreciation of those immigrants so coming to America.