The second oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere is Haiti. A country that had to fight France over a bloody twelve year period in order to achieve its independence in 1804; and then after achieving that independence, Haiti so determined that it was in their best interests to pay reparations to France for that costly war, in order to get in return, diplomatic recognition as well as the opportunity to open up trade agreements with other nations that they previously were precluded from having those trade agreements with.
One might think that the United States, would have been, first in line to extend their aid as well as their diplomatic recognition to Haiti, as Haiti was not only a republic but also a sister country of the Western Hemisphere, but in reality, the diplomatic recognition of Haiti by America, was something that was never going to happen, because this country was so unseemly beholden to Southern interests and Southern affairs; and of which, those of that persuasion, would never willingly give their recognition to a country, that had violently overthrown European whites, so as to become a nation governed by Haitian blacks.
This thus signified that administration after administration, simply ignored Haiti, as an independent nation, and it was not until the Lincoln administration, that Haiti was recognized by the United States in 1862. Unfortunately, that recognition though being a meaningful step in the right direction, did not bring the hope for value of having the United States as a trade partner, of which, therefore since those benefits were thus lacking, this thus led Haiti to eventually find more solace in having Germany as their premier trade partner; however, when World War I so commenced, the United States thereupon made it their point to effectively take over Haiti via military force so as to force German investment and interference out, and thus it remained that way for nearly twenty years, through United States military rule.
It would seem sensible that the United States would not only favor sister republics, but would given its own troubled history in regards to blacks, that it would do its level best to see that it provided thereby real material aid to Haiti, to help therefore in its development and to demonstrate to the world, that the United States believes in actually living up to its own credo, of freedom, justice, and political rights applicable to all.
Yet, the reality of the situation is that Haiti is a troubled country, of immense poverty, problems, and issues, of which, though the United States has made a continuous effort to be of assistance, this hasn't in effect done much of anything to help materially improve upon the sad fact that Haiti is still the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, even though that Western Hemisphere also happens to have the richest country in the world. While, there isn't anything that can be done about America's late recognition of the sovereignty of Haiti, what still can be done, though, is to see that America does more of substance to help Haiti, if for nothing more than to make reparation for its own past racial sins.