We read in Holy Scripture, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." (Matthew 7:18). This scriptural passage makes eminent sense, for that which is good is going to procreate good fruits, thereof; and that which is corrupt, will not have the capacity to propagate fruits that are good. That said, the more that we contemplate upon this passage, the more that we can begin to understand it at a far deeper level, of which, the very first thought that comes to mind, is that this scriptural passage is not really literally about the fruit of a given tree, but rather it is all about the quality of the figurative fruit so produced by each one of us. That is to say, each one of us is called upon as members of society, to be good for something, and thereby to be of good value to our fellow community members, by the good deeds that we so produced on behalf and for the benefit of those others; and of which, those that are too selfish, or lack direction, or drive, are those that create little or nothing of benefit for their community, and often are the ones that harm such by their bad actions or lack of attentiveness.
What we are, and what we thereby subsequently produce, has an awful lot to do with our perception of life and its incumbent duties, so of; as well as the discipline and drive to do what is consistently right to do. In other words, it isn't so much that we are what we think, but rather what we are has a lot to do with the desires and goals that we are driven by and the subsequent deeds so accomplished, day-by-day, and to the degree that those desires and goals, are for the greater good, then the ensuing fruits so being produced are going to be, in one form or another, of benefit to the greater whole. As for those, that think wrong thoughts, such as wishing that the world would bend to their selfish desires, we find that within that construct -- fairness, peace, justice, and harmony will be sorely lacking, personally and for the community; for that which is so produced from that sort of self-absorbed mindset benefits, at best, the person so willing it, whereas, it does little or nothing of merit for others.
Each us needs to look at our own desires and goals, and seriously contemplate as to whether such makes eminent sense or not; for that which is not sound to begin with, will surely reap to its ultimate regret what it has duly sown; whereas those that are focused upon that which encompasses something outside of just their own egotistical domain, and takes into consideration, not only what they are trying to achieve, but also how such will effect others, are on the pathway of sowing that which will give forth a bountiful harvest, that feeds well not only that individual, but others.
It's up to each one of us, to find a worthwhile cause that is worth achieving for the betterment of society, for we are meant to help make our community a better place for our having been part of it, for that is the very reason why those that are fruitful desire to do that which is what they so forthrightly do.