We read in Holy Scripture that "God created man in his own image" (Genesis 1: 27). When we contemplate upon this, our only reasoned understanding of this scripture is that mankind was created in God's image, in order for mankind through its own effort, free-will, and desire would one day, recognize that its highest calling, was to live up to in every aspect, so of, of being true to that image, and none else. This so signifies, that everything that we think, do, and contemplate upon, that is not consistent with the attributes of God, are failures of our character, that we are meant to overcome.
We are specifically not automatons, because God does not need nor does God so desire, to have that which has no free-will be obedient to God, for that which has not consciousness, thereby has no choice to make. Rather, mankind has been gifted by God with consciousness, and thereby the decisions to be made, are ours to own, and none other. So then, in fairness to mankind, this earthly plane was so created, to provide the place and the time for mankind to prove or disprove who and what they so represent; so done, by our thoughts, actions, and deeds, of which, to the degree that we comprehend who and what we really are, the sooner that we will thereby faithfully reflect that which actuated us in the first place.
After all, to be made in the image of anything, means to be made of the same substance, and therefore those that are not true to that image are clearly not qualified as being descendants in good standing of God. Our purpose in life is to actually rise up and to thereby through our enlightenment understand that we are meant not to just be perpetual children of God, but rather that we are intended to mature to such an extent, that we are thereby able to eventually be co-creators with God, for there is no greater honor that is due to that which created us, then to become One with that which breathed us into existence.
This clearly signifies that all the ills that mankind so suffers from, stem from the errors and misunderstandings that mankind has created unto itself. The problems of this world, therefore, and the struggles, thereof, are meant to wake our consciousness up from the slumber that so many suffer from -- as well as for us to understand intimately what it really is to suffer disappointment, loss, regret, tragedy and the like. For, after all, those not tested thoroughly in the boiling cauldron of life, will thereby lack the needed exposure to fight valiantly against the evil that assails us, and thereby are ill prepared to deal with such constructively when subsequently so faced.
This planet represents for each one of us, the proving ground, that will make us to be that which we were always meant to be; so that, when put to the test, we will never fail, for that which has become the spitting image of God, is in it substance, inerrant, enlightened, and thereby complete.