Truth is eternally immutable / by kevin murray

We find ourselves seemingly living within a construct in which each person, is able to freely proclaim their version of truth, of which, we are led to believe, thereof, that their truth therefore is as valid as any other person's truth.  This type of nonsense brings no good benefit to anyone, for if truth is subjective, or if truth is mutable, depending upon the time of the day, or era, or person, or opinion, then there is, in fact, nothing that could ever be truly defined as truth.


Truth, by definition, is that which does not change its nature, or its tune, upon the winds of time; but rather truth is just as true today, as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.  So then, only that which is immutable has the necessary characteristic of truth, and therefore all that which is mutable though it may at times take upon the aura of truth, or may be true within the context of that time and place, it is not, though, in totality, true.


It is important to understand the nature of truth, for if we do not understand truth from a fundamental basis, than we are susceptible to believing all sorts of things that are not foundationally true, and that, thereof, is a very slippery slope.  Each of us has an inherent obligation, to search for truth, and those that do not, or care not to do so, are those that are too lazy of mind, to understand that any endeavor that does not at its heart have the search for and the desire for truth as its abiding principle -- is a venture which is flawed in its concept.


After all, to fight doggedly for that which is false, is always going to be a fight which will bring forth neither lasting peace, nor lasting satisfaction.  This so signifies that the only fight worth fighting for, is always on behalf of that which is good, right, and true; for these together, are eternal and therefore are properly worthy of our time and effort.


So too, because truth is immutable, this signifies that it cannot be contained within a vessel which is susceptible to error or mistakes of perception.  So then, truth, lies outside of our own person, but not outside of our purview of finding such, of which, part of the actuation of any human life, is that innate desire to discover who and what we really are, and therefore the purpose thereof, of our being.


In many ways, life consists of facades upon facades, not necessarily in order to confuse us or to entrap us, but rather such exists as a means of encouraging us to look behind those facades in order to discover the truth of the matter.  It is our curiosity, more than anything, that pushes us to keep on peeling back the layers in order to know that which we must for a certainty know; and when we know the truth, we will be free from that which we thought was true, but was in actuality, a mirage -- so created as a means to test us and to challenge us, but never as a deceit to us.