Hatred / by kevin murray

Hatred is not something that anyone should ever want to voluntarily cultivate, and it certainly is not an emotion to embrace; for hatred pretty much always brings out the worse in us, and through that hatred, though we may for a moment, seem to have successfully vanquished our opponent; this does not end the story, for we will invariably find that hatred so engaged, will bring us personal suffering at some point, for having expressed it.  The very first thing to understand about hatred, is that a lot of the time, when people express hatred, they are essentially expressing in essence the fact that they are not getting their way, and because they are frustrated by being denied that which they so desire, they thereupon take that disappointment and frustration out upon others, unconcerned as to whether the other party is fairly guilty of some real infringement or not.


Life should ideally be about letting go of hate, and trying to find common ground, one person to another, one society to another, one country to another, so that through that common ground we therefore have those different individuals, different societies, and different countries working to that good purpose to become united in that which is beneficial for the people as a whole.  This doesn't mean that we need to see eye-to-eye on everything, for unity isn't about everyone having the exact same mindset, but instead has everything to do with seeing that there is a grand purpose in life, of which that purpose is superior to our own individual ego, and that therefore, by living to that purpose, people, societies, and nations, unite together, one with another.


Those that believe that we can silence others, by literally killing them, are mistaken; for the very problems that created that divisiveness and anger, have not been eliminated, but ultimately still need to be addressed in a more sustainable and in a more considerate manner, for that which necessitates the destruction of the other, will not ever bring about lasting peace or fair justice.  This signifies that the issues that we have one with another, need to be dealt with in a manner, in which, we still respect that each individual is sovereign within their own self, and thereupon have the same self-determination that we are also entitled to, and that each individual has the exact same unalienable rights that we do, of which, our objective should therefore be, to see that we are fair and just, one to another, as opposed to ignoring civil discourse, and simply following the corrupt mantra, that "might makes right".


To hate another, is both the facile and the childish way to go about one's business, for those that hate don't actually care about validating the other, but rather just want their way, no matter the cost; and the result thereof we find in the reality of the world as it presently is.  For, humankind has warred upon one another for eons upon eons, and still has not found peace, justice, and fairness; because hatred and destruction that is part and parcel of war, is the pathway which has no good ending conceivable to it.  Rather, for all those that profess that they desire peace and justice, they must first throw down their weapons of war and hate, and thereupon have the courage to understand that e pluribus Unum, only makes sense when we correctly understand that from many there can be a union of one, if and only if, we are each focused upon becoming an integral part of that one.