Organized crime exists in one form or another, all over the world; in which the disappearance of such does not seem to be in cards because there are too many people, companies, police and justice officials, as well as players within the state apparatus that personally benefit from the existence of organized crime or have been intimidated into the countenance of organized crime, and therefore do not do their necessary courageous part to eradicate such. So too, some of the decisions that ostensibly have been made by governmental decree to reduce criminal activity or to improve the character of one's citizens, have instead, paradoxically been the impetus for the strengthening of organized crime; such as what occurred during prohibition, in which, by making liquor illegal, this did little or nothing to stop those that still wished to imbibe in alcohol, but rather forced the sales and distribution of such, underground and thereby controlled to a large extent, by organized crime. So too, America's "war on drugs" so initiated in 1971, did little or nothing to stop the usage and distribution of illicit drugs, but rather emboldened those already in the business, to be more sophisticated as well as to become more connected with those others in strategic positions, in order to thereby stay successful and to ultimately boost the sales of their illegal business.
The fact of the matter is that when laws are so written in which the proclivities of a given population, have now been rendered illegal or forbidden, this does little or nothing to change what the people already have a strong inclination for, but rather simply creates an alternative world, in which, that which the people want, is readily available, but the price to get such, has risen in order to cover things such as the enforcement of "street law" throughout the sphere of influence of organized crime, as well as to cover the price to "grease" the palms of all those that are only too willing to look the other way, or to acquiesce to that business being so conducted. This thus signifies, that organized crime, needs two conditions in order for it to flourish, of which, the first one is that there must be a desire from the people for that which has been so designated as being "forbidden," and the second is that some of those that are responsible to enforce the law, thereby march instead to the corrupt beat of that "easy money" so provided to them.
While the media wastes an inordinate amount of time, reporting on the news events of drug busts and other illicit businesses being taken down and thus justice so being served; it does a very poor job of actually following up as to why at the end of the day, all the illicit activities so supported by organized crime, never actually goes away, but ever keeps on standing and even strengthening its hand. That is because, regrettably, organized crime is entwined with those important others that make and enforce the laws, so that because those that make those laws are corrupt or, at best, possibly indifferent, organized crime exists and will continue to exist until such a time as those that are responsible for the equal application of law, enforce such, while also recognizing that "victimless crimes," are not a legitimate interest of the state.