We are meant to be at one with God / by kevin murray

Life in this world isn’t nearly as complicated or as unfair as some people like to believe.  Further, life for a certainty is never without purpose; for our very existence has purpose, and always will have. Those then that do not take the time to examine their own life, or care not to, are always going to therefore find it problematic to achieve the things that are most meaningful to accomplish in life. Of course, just because a given person understands what life is really all about doesn’t mean that they will necessarily be able to stay on the straight and narrow pathway that they need to be on; for life is often full of detours, misdirection, and one’s free will inconveniently asserting itself in inappropriate ways, that thereby signifies that there are obstacles to overcome for just about everyone.


The reason that life really isn’t all that complicated is the salient fact that we are never living right, whenever we are out of harmony with the good attributes of God.  That is to say, God represents in so many ways, patience, empathy, justice, love, forgiveness, and knowledge – of which, to the degree that we can conduct ourselves in a way that does justice to each one of us being an actual child of God, the better the result is going to be for our self, as well as for others.


Those, on the other hand, that get out of lockstep with God, perhaps because they desire strongly to assert their ego, their dominance, and their way, and thereby to impress their will upon others, may for a time, derive some sort of satisfaction from such; but in the end, they will inevitably burn out and have little to show for themselves, except some experience, some regrets, and not much more.  Yet, fear not, for God does not ever give up on any soul, ever.  Sure, in this world, things may appear hopeless for some, but some basic scrutiny of how this world operates, will typically clue people in, that life is actually cyclical, for it has its seasons; so that those that are out-of-step in where they need to be at the present time, can try, and try again, until they do succeed.


The greatest music in the world, is that of a symphony, in which each instrument has its necessary purpose, place and time, and the conductor of such, makes sure that the sound so produced, is in synchronicity as well as being in perfect harmony.  Each of us is different, for the very reason, that each of us has a different role to play; for our collective role is that together, we can be in harmony to therefore create that masterpiece symphony for that which first created us.  That is why this world consists of millions upon millions of people, because the task at hand, is for each of us to do our part, so that collectively we will become that which we were meant to be; a collective harmonic symphony and therefore at one with God.