The real deal in the new world / by kevin murray

At the formation of the United States, there were thirteen colonies; of which, each of those colonies had been actuated by royal charter to become a given colony in America.  This thus signified, that those that sailed the “ocean blue” to America, in the vast majority of cases, did so under the aegis of the King of England, under the conditions of each charter, so of; along with having to be in conformance with the sponsorship of the entity that was the primary financier of the voyage, to begin with.  In other words, not just anybody could sail to America, and not just any religion could be a part of America, and further to the point, those that had their way prepaid by an investor or a consortium of investors, so of, had a duty to pay back that investment with products that would be of tradeable usage for them, such as gold, furs, tobacco, or other assorted goods.


A lot of people want to believe that those that founded this country and thereby settled this nation, all came here for religious freedom.  While that is true to a significant extent, that isn’t the entire truth, for many people that came here, came for the opportunity and new hope that America so represented, along with the knowledge that those that were far way were therefore “out of sight” which also effectively meant being “out of mind.”  In fact, to the crown and to the investors of these trips, one could say, the most important thing that they so desired from America, was profit, above all; though, of course, they also desired loyalty, as well.


None of those that came to America, had it easy, for they were to a very large extent, upon their arrival, on their own; and until such a time when they became a vibrant community, whether they lived or died, whether they prospered or suffered, was left to their own individual hard work, luck, pluck, and the elements that they had to contend with.  Still, many people were up for the challenge, perhaps because they did not fully understand what they would truly have to come up against; or perhaps because they knew that Great Britain offered nothing but hopelessness for them; whereas, America represented instead, freedom and opportunity.


America was a colony of Great Britain, of which the purpose of any colony, including America, was profit, as well as the strategic advantages of having territory that could be a launching pad for even more territory and thereby additional profit.After all, this was a day and age, in which conquest of the other, equated to tribute so being made to that which was the victor and therefore more riches and more power to those that were well-placed to receive such.Many of those that voyaged to America, suffered; even onto death, whether on the transport or when they got there.For those, that survived and subsequently thrived, they deserve all the credit and respect in the world.Additionally, for those that specifically came here for religious freedom, they found it; and they still have it