Life can be easy, life can be hard; of which, the reality of life for a significant swath of people, is that life too often is difficult, bleak, and harsh. So then, each day we are provided with a fresh choice as to whether we will ignore those that are suffering and hurting, or whether we will do our fair part to help relieve some of that suffering and hurt by being a good and giving neighbor to our fellow brethren.
It isn’t so much that we shouldn’t be permitted to enjoy a good life ourselves, or that we should feel guilty for having a good time, but rather it is important to recognize that we should be driven, at least some of the time, to do our good part to make society a better place for our involvement within it. This thus signifies, that those that are perhaps enjoying a little bit too much of the “good life” themselves, need to step down from their pedestal, from time-to-time, so as to willingly, not begrudgingly, engage with the greater world, which subsists of a fair number of people that need a helping hand, a willing ear, and some good company.
Each one of us should want to know how life really is for those that are struggling, so as to better appreciate not only where they are coming from, but also to have some insight into these particular troubles within society, which thereby provides us with a better perspective on our own favorable circumstances. So too, life isn’t necessarily always going to be a smooth ride for anybody, of which, those that have been blessed with good experiences, can after an unfortunate event, see their own lives decline into mediocrity and subsequently into far, far worse. So then, it behooves everyone to recognize that we should really appreciate the good times and good circumstances as they come to us, for the future is uncertain, and thereby subject to the vicissitudes of life.
One would think that the most generous people in the terms of caring, empathy, and sympathy would have to be the most successful people, for they knowing how good life can really be, thereby show their appreciation for this by standing up for those that are hurting and thereby proactively do what they can to help alleviate sorrow and injustice for those that are forlorn. In reality, this isn’t typically true, for a significant amount of the most generous and giving people, are actually those that themselves have personally suffered tragedy, setbacks, and hurt; who because they have been there, want to do their part to lend a helping hand to those that really need such.
To identify with only those that are the winners of society, and to stand by them, is the easiest of tasks to accomplish, for anyone can simply go with the winning flow. However, those then, that are true to that higher calling, which is to bring healing to those that are hurt, to see justice for those that have been unjustly dealt with, and to bring joy to those that are in sorrow, may indeed have the more difficult path, one of perhaps some unappreciation and frustration, but for all those that see such out by giving their best, they have done such to the glory of that which first created them.