Be very, very afraid of the police / by kevin murray

It just doesn’t make much sense, for people, even some of those of the favored race and class, not to at least some of time, fear the police. For instance, in this country, a given person is not even safe in their own home, if the police have an interest in entering it, knock or no-knock, warrant or no warrant; nor are we necessarily safe in our own car, nor any public space, nor are we safe in pretty much just about any private space, for that too often is fair game, as well.  In short, the police in this country, with few exceptions, can do whatever that they want, whenever that they want, to whomever that they want, at anytime that they want, and the powers-to-be aren’t just okay with that, they seemingly actively encourage it.


Those that run this nation, want the population, and certainly the unfavored part of that population to live in fear, because those that live in fear, are far more susceptible to obeying the dictates so demanded of them, for they personally know that disobedience, may inflict upon them, catastrophic consequences.  Of course, the policing arm of the state, doesn’t just assert its power and authority, willy-nilly against all of the citizenry, with no discrimination; for that would be the type of cardinal sin that would necessitate a re-configuration of such.  Rather, they are instructed to protect and to serve those that are their actuators, which primarily are represented by the favored race, “poor white trash” excluded though; as well as to protect and to serve assorted others that have been designated as overcoming their minority or color handicap by virtue of their class status, which though not always obvious, is typically fairly straightforward to ascertain, though mistakes do happen.


Still, even those of the protected class, have to take into vital consideration, that unless they are especially well-connected personages, that their immunity from adverse police action is seldom absolutely secure.  This signifies that those that involuntarily come into contact with the police, are, if they have their wits about them, going to be wary, respectful, and compliant; because they know that if they don’t put their best foot forward, all sorts of very bad things can, could, and possibly will happen to them. After all, those that do not fear those that have the power to take their freedom away, to embarrass them, to incarcerate them, to abuse them, to harm them, and to kill them, don’t have their thinking, right.


The problem with a powerful police force that demonstrates time and time again, that it will use its authorized force against the general public that is most vulnerable to being abused by such, and of which the justice system time and time again, judges that this is appropriate, except in the most egregious violations; signifies clearly that the people that suffer the most from this or are the most vulnerable to it, are definitely not free.  They don’t have liberty, they don’t have security of their property or of their body, they don’t have safety, and their life and the control thereof of it, is sadly not actually in their own hands.