Eight men and half the world / by kevin murray

We read at Oxfam.org, that “Eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity,” which is an absolutely astonishing fact and to the discredit of those that somehow believe or propagandize that we live in a world, of fairness, equality, and meritocracy.  The fact of the matter is, as most people are quite aware of, is that money matters, and further to the point, that money is a source of power, as well as the salient fact that the concentration of too much money into too few hands is disastrous for humankind, for governments, for democracies, and for the people actually having a true say of what so happens within their community, in general.


Additionally, these eight mega-rich men, owe the bulk of their riches to their corporate wealth, which signifies that corporations, which are artificial creations authorized by the state, are themselves getting ever more concentrated in which the governments the world over, seem to acquiesce left and right to whatever these corporate behemoths so want, thereby giving these mega-corporations undue influence upon property zoning, pollution, taxation, labor laws and unions, corporate mergers and buy-outs; in addition, to really pretty much permitting or acquiescing to everything that these corporations so desire that is germane within their corporate domain.


The more power and money so concentrated in corporate and the private hands of those that run these mega-corporations, the more the world bends to their dictates and to their demands; of which, the general masses of people therefore are mainly seen by them as a resource to exploit, as well as people to extract extra profit and revenue from, so as to continually feed the corporate machine so that it gets ever more powerful and ever richer, until the end of time.


Back in the day, of all-powerful kings and queens, those that were the royalty, owned pretty much it all, though they shared what they needed to share with religious authorities, military muscle, and assorted extras so needed to keep that royalty in continual power.  That which became the United States, was created out of an entirely different cloth, as a new vision, along with it being the birth of a new freedom; but none would know this at the present time, for the very concentrated wealth so of, has made this a nation of the very, very few which have everything, thereby overpowering its middle class which is under constant stress, not to mention the forgotten and suffering underclass who are deprived of any semblance of a good life in this the richest nation that the world has ever known.


Who are these eight men, that they can stand off 3.6 billion people, forever?  How is this right?  Why is this permitted?  The answer to these above questions is pretty much the same, these eight men, have effectively through their corporate power and connections, co-opted pretty much the entire world, so that everything is thereby tilted to their favor and as long as they take good care of the “muscle”, so to speak, along with the governance of those nations that matter, they will continue to get their way, until such a time, as the people recognize the truth that only in the deliberate destruction of that which impairs them along with the corresponding creation of that which fairly improves their lot, will there be any real and meaningful change for the better.