The combination of money with political power corrupts democracies / by kevin murray

Those that have political power are basically in charge of creating the laws of the land through legislation, judging the constitutionality of those laws, and executing those laws as legislated and judged.  In order for politicians to be able to accomplish that which they have legislated upon, judged upon, and are in the constant process of executing upon, they are able to call upon the necessary power of the policing force and all its adjutants that answers to that government, on behalf of the people.  Make no mistake about it, government is force, and those that are part of the “muscle”, so to speak, of that government, are almost always loyal to that government, above all.


There is, though, another source of power in societies, and that is the power of the purse.  Those that have wealth, and especially those that have combined that wealth with the production of necessary or desired goods or services, along with the employment of citizens that comes with such, are part of the economic engine that drives societies and enriches people and organizations.   Not too surprisingly, those that have obtained or earned economic power, are always in danger of having this power restricted, controlled, regulated, compromised, or negated in whole or in part by the government that makes and enforces the rules of the road.  This signifies, that economic power recognizes that whenever it can successfully co-opt or control political power, it therefore places itself in the catbird seat of having its way, by firstly having that government change the rules in a way that not only favors and protects them, unduly; and secondly often so done in a way that also hurts those that would compete against them.


The thing about political power and all those that believe that somehow politicians are above the fray, of money and its influence; is the salient fact that politicians almost always need donations from well placed individuals and corporations in order to run their race, successfully, and without good access to that money, that race is often lost.  This thus indicates that for all intents and purposes, politicians don’t really answer to the people so much, or to Constitution that is the highest law of the land, but rather are often obeisance to the money that provides them with their political position, thus handicapping them from doing the right or the appropriate thing for the general public, for they do not wish to bite the hand that not only feeds them but also essentially empowers them.


Look closely at America, and recognize that the biggest mega-corporations in this country, continue to grow impressively and to therefore do more business year after year, because this government, of, for, and by the people, really isn’t  about the people at all; for those that are its politicians permit these mega-corporations, way more than not, to have carte blanche, so that they can destroy or buy our their competitors, while also having these politicians move mountains for them again and again, so as to provide them with whatever material aid that they need for infrastructure, taxation, zoning, and the like.  So then, those that have the vote, seem little to know, that their vote is typically counterfeited by this unseemly combination of money and political power, which serves to enrich the few, at the terrible expense of the many.