Some people for whatever reason want to believe that life itself, this world, and everything within it, is just random. That belief may be a convenience for some, but it is an absolute falsity, as well as being a delusion. In fact, there is an unseen order to everything that we are involved with, and our highest obligation is to find and to know that unseen order, and to thereby be in harmony with it. Those that do this, will find the ultimate answer to all of their questions, and those that do not, might just do okay; then again, in whole, they will not. In truth, all of the problems in this world, are a true reflection that the ignorance of that unseen order, is the basic substance of all that troubles and ails us.
There cannot conceivably be any higher calling than to find the truth of who and what we are, and thereby the why of our existence. Those therefore that will not trouble their mind to actually contemplate upon this, are at best, simple-minded, and at worse, fools. In just about every civilization, even those that have legally eliminated God, there is a deep and abiding desire of the people to find truth and meaning in their lives, so done through the reasonable belief that there is a God or something so representing such, and that this God is immutable, omnipotent, perfect, and prescient. That is the reason why there is religion and religious organizations in just about every society, of which, the best of these religions remains those that are truly interested in the good welfare of their congregation, as well as society in general.
All that humankind discovers is to keep them engaged so as to continue their good search for that which first created it all. So too, the advancements so made by humankind for the betterment of such, should be seen as a meaningful tribute not only to the human family, in general; but also, as a tribute to God. On the other hand, those that purposefully ignore the truth, of this unseen order, or actively work against such, are making the error of putting that which was created as if it supersedes that which created such. So too, those that place humankind upon the pedestal as if the measure of humankind is by humankind, are attempting to create their peculiar order, by ignoring that unseen order.
Here is the thing, this world should be seen as what it so represents, a proving ground. Those that make the effort to become in harmony with that unseen order, are on the pathway to that which will bring the good ending to all of their sorrows, and enlightenment to their soul. Those that do not, or care not to, are consigned to live within a construct in which whatever that they believe is their desire is perpetually to be like trying to secure liquid mercury, and therefore again and again, the satisfaction that they so need, will not ever be successfully held, for that which is really needed, is that unseen order, and none else.