Life consists of lots of different people, some well-meaning and some not; as well as governments and their agencies which can provide true benefits for those people, or not. Some of those people, are by nature, busybodies, of which, even when a particular busybody is right about something, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they should therefore have the authority to do something about a particular troublesome thing which is not really their business in the first place. So too, certain government agencies can behave as a busybody so does, of which, the problem when this so occurs, is that the government often has the power and authority to act upon their busybody inclinations, which does not necessarily mean that they should or ought to.
Not all parents are good parents, though most are good, most of the time; however, there are also those parents which often because their own life is a mess, aren’t particularly good at parenting, and some are downright mean and ugly. Obviously, nobody wants to see a child abused, neglected, or in a place which is of danger to them, but the correct response to such a troubling situation is not always to remove the children from their parents, as a protective service; but rather it should be for those agencies involving themselves in such, to better understand the peculiarities and reasons why this is happening in the first place, and then materially help to rectify it.
In virtually every case, the biological parents of a child, have a vested interest in seeing that their child has a good life and a good upbringing, and will got to extraordinary efforts to do the right thing for their child. That said, some situations for children, are precarious from day one, because their parents don’t have the appropriate skillset to manage children well, or the maturity, or the income, or the stability, and so on and so forth. This so signifies that the most reasoned response by a government agency to a situation in which a child is considered to be in a problematic place is to do their part to address the main reasons for such a questionable construct, as opposed to forcefully taking the child from their parents.
Lots of people, as well as government agencies think that they know best, when it comes to child rearing, but knowing is never the same thing as doing right; and further to the point, in most instances, a child’s biological parents are going to be the best place for a child to be. So then, all those that complain about how incompetent a given parent is, or how impoverished that they are, or how disorganized they well may be, should rather than decrying the obvious, do something of merit to ameliorate such, for the good of that child and its parents.
Governments and busybodies have a very clear choice, they can simply take charge of a situation in which it is perceived that by doing so they will be of benefit to that child, or they can take the time to understand that families consist of parents as well as their children, and to thereby remove the children from such, undercuts and destroys the family, while doing nothing to rectify the conditions that brought about these sad situations to begin with. It would behoove those government agencies then, to see the bigger picture, and desire therefore to be of material aid in support of families, rather than tearing them apart, for the supposed good of the child.