Just about everybody has a fear of something, or phobias, or both. The fact that we are prone to being fearful of losing our life, or our job, or our family, or this or that, is fairly common, of which, this type of fear is consistent with the erroneous belief, including, even some of those of faith, that the annihilation of our body, is the annihilation of our existence. It is imperative to recognize that our physical body, is not now and never will be eternal, but merely is the physical manifestation of who and what we are in this material world; but never is the physical body or the conditions of that body, our true essence. Remember this well, that which is eternal, cannot ever be destroyed, not by anything of this world, and not by anything beyond such. We are eternal, currently living in the present day in a limited physical body; of which that body will betray us at some point, either though age, accident, or by damage by those that harm us.
The improper hold that so many people and institutions have upon us, often has an awful lot to do with their utilizing their power and their influence to impact our existence, by, for instance, the denial or the compromising of our fair access to healthcare, employment, freedom, housing, opportunity and the like; of which the nature of this type of exercise is to thereby get us to submit to those authorities or else suffer the consequences of not adhering to such. This type of pressure so exerted against us, plays upon our natural fears, and is utilized by those in power again and again to manipulate us; but we need not play that game, for we always have the option to simply do the best that we can do within the structure that we are dealing with -- with the implicit understanding that though our physical body has needs, and our ego cries out for this or that, we are not our body and we are not our ego; of which our body and our ego must remain subservient to our true essence as God’s own.
Any human being that does not fear the evil that humans are so disposed to be, is someone representing well who they really are. There are far too many people of good character, that crumble when they should stand strong, because they fear the consequences of not giving in to that which has the power to hurt them or their loved ones – not seeming to comprehend that every time that we give in to evil, even when it seems like the sensible thing to do, we are in our own way, contributing to the strengthening of that evil. The physical life that we have should best be seen as a role that we are playing on the big stage of life, of which, that life is no more and no less than an aspect of who we actually are, but it is not at its core, who we really are. Therefore, to the extent that we have the wisdom to do so, we need to be true to God, and God alone, for ultimately it is only God that we answer to; and all those that play the role meant to scare us, to intimidate us, and to compromise us, cannot ever hold a candle to that which is our Creator, for their perceived power exists only in this realm, and none other.