What is sin? / by kevin murray

All sorts of religions define sin in a lot of different ways; of which, essentially that which is sin is best defined as all that which is not in accordance with the attributes and harmony of God.  Further to the point, because human beings are prone to error, as well as lacking in the wisdom to necessarily know what is right or wrong, always and forever; while also being subject to confusion, and additionally being susceptible to allowing one’s emotions to get the better of them, this thus is indicative that there are consequently all sorts of errors and sins so made, knowingly or not, but nevertheless actuated, by people, that are wrong.  That said, though there may in fact be a good excuse or reason for why a given sin was committed; it is well to remember that there are plenty of things that individuals do have good control over, in regards to their thinking, their desires, and their subsequent actual actions; of which, wrong desires and wrong thoughts, are the foundation of why sin exists and persists.


In truth, there are plenty of people that deliberately do wrong, and seemingly don’t seem to care that they have, perhaps blithely assuming that there will be no consequences, but every wrong so committed, has some sort of meaningful consequence attached to it.  Then there are others that make errors in judgment, seemingly not desiring to do so, but somehow not having the strength of character to prevent themselves from doing so; but error is error, no matter the pathway.  Further, there are people that know for a certainty that they are doing something that is wrong, as well as understanding that there are eventual negative consequences to such a wrong, but they go ahead and do it anyway, for they see the supposed benefit or pleasure of such an action as being their current preference, and simply won’t give it up, willingly.  So too, there are those others, that do not wish to listen to their good conscience, so they drown such out through drugs, drinks, or emotions run amok, so that they can get back to their sinning. Finally, there are those that don’t seem to take appropriate cognizance, that the basis for just about everyone that sins is allowing wrongful thinking and inappropriate desires to get a foothold into one’s mind, and subsequently they then simply go ahead and do what is so done, and let the chips fall where they may.


Our God is a God of justice, truth, love, and wisdom.  God never gets it wrong, but then again, that is the eternal nature of God.  Human beings, so created by God, are here in this world, as a fair testing ground of their character -- so tested by the wiles, tricks, and temptations, that cross our everyday paths.  We are here primarily to prove our worth in a field of battle, so that having successfully accomplished and having overcome obstacles so put in our way, we can therefore be the light that will aid and help those that have lost their way, so that they too can find the promised land, so needed for eternal happiness.  We are to be that light of unconditional love, and those that are in the light, have risen above sin; and those that are in darkness, despair, and ignorance, have not.