Capital punishment has no legitimate place in American jurisprudence / by kevin murray

America wants to be the industry leader and the exemplar of what a great nation so represents, but when that country continues to insist that certain criminal acts are deserving of state sanctioned “murder”, this clearly proves that it has no wisdom of interest to impart when it comes to justice, fairness, mitigation, and any semblance of state responsibility or correctness.  Those that truly think that the way to end all war is by war, are grossly mistaken.  Those that believe that the correct punishment for those that have committed certain despicable acts is their cold-blooded calculated death, in response by the state, clearly don’t understand life or its meaning.


Remember this well, those that will not learn their lessons well, and apply such thereby in their everyday life, are consigned to repeating what will be so repeated, until the lesson is learnt and applied, correctly, till the end of time, if it so be necessary.  Those crimes so committed that are hateful, hurtful, despicable, cowardly, and wrong, deserve a reasoned and responsible response, from those that are held in high respect for their wisdom, no more and no less.  What they do not deserve is simplistic rules and laws, which stipulate that he who wrongly takes away one person’s life, or purse, or this or that, must suffer in turn, the exact same fate, which puts justice into some sort of simplistic binary decision making, as if this is enlightenment, when it most certainly is not.


Those that believe in the killing of the other, as a just and sure punishment for a duly convicted capital punishment crime, believe such wholeheartedly, primarily because they think that this thus ends the story, but it never does.  Life… and death, for that matter, is not that simple.  The natural order of anything which is physical is that it will meet its demise, sooner or later, which thus signifies that immortality can never exist for that which is mortal by its very inception.  So then, the premeditated killing of that which is physical, ends just that physical life, but it does not end, the troubles, so of, that created the situation to begin with, and it never will.  So then, this then is what needs to be rectified, one way or another, one time or another, one place or another, somewhere at some point, or the lesson has not been learned, and until that lesson is learnt, the lesson continues.


The correct response to someone that disrespects another, is to still give respect to that person, for to follow disrespect with disrespect, impugns upon that own person’s character.  To end the madness, one must remain sane.  To make it to the next level and to evolve, means that what has not worked in the past, cannot possibly be the answer to the question; so therefore, the intent should be to find the correct answer and to subsequently apply such.  To take the life of another, deliberately, and sanctioned by the state, is a crime against humanity, and each time that it is done, humanity takes yet another step backward, to its own collective disgrace.