Love is one of those very special words that is utilized by all types of people in a lot of different ways, of which, quite frankly, there are way too many people that claim that they “love” someone but really haven’t a clue as to what real love actually necessitates and represents. So then, while love can be defined in a lot of different ways, it is important to comprehend that when it comes to our relationships with others, that those that really love someone, must want for that person, what is the best for them. That means that those that love another, are not jealous, they are not vindictive, their love is not conditional, their love is not dependent on some sort of quid pro quo, or time, or anything. True love is timeless, and asks for nothing in return or expects such. We love another because we see who they are in essence, we know them for who and what they truly are, and because of that, our love will not ever fade or go away.
To appreciate someone is not necessarily love, to be thankful for someone’s affection for us is probably not love, either. To belittle what love really is by claiming to love this or to love that, without true and complete sincerity, doesn’t do the person so expressing that love any favors, for those that can love today and have such love evaporate tomorrow, aren’t in love. The very foundation of love is God, and because God is love, we need not worry about upsetting God so as to lose that love, and fearing that God’s actions towards us will ever be capricious -- for God is immutable, eternal, and flawless. Our God is the ultimate perfect parent, that permits us the freedom to do whatever that we so do, without ever running out of patience or love for us, and the fact that we have the liberty to be whatever that we so desire to be, provides us with that special pathway, of which, no matter how circuitous our steps among the pathway become, no matter how meandering, so of -- all routes will ultimately bring us back to God, as if we were never actually gone, for that which is love, cannot ever be successfully substituted by anything else, satisfactorily.
Those that love, always want what is best for the person that they are interacting with, and will not ever falsely encourage or agree to help implement those things and actions that will not be beneficial or suitable for that person, because to do so would not be love. This does not indicate that those that love are themselves, perfect, it is a reflection though that to love someone means to be true to being an instrument that will help that person, and when required, to re-direct that person to where they ought to be; yet, it also always respects that person as a free agent, as well as being cognizant that even those in love and that love, are not all wise, and will themselves err and make mistakes.
Those that love you, love you because they see the real you, the higher you, the you that you are in actuality, and of which you, in return, are meant to reflect as much as possible that love in this incarnation.