Think about what you are thinking about / by kevin murray

Before doing just about anything of substance that we so do, we actually think about it, and then we go ahead and perform it, or try to perform that action.  Basically, our thoughts precede our meaningful actions; and if we are unhappy with our actions, then we therefore need to look carefully at our thoughts that preceded such.  For instance, how we think is ultimately always in our control and is therefore in our domain; so then, not only do we need to think about what we are thinking about, we further need to take such to the next logical step, which is to think through where that particular thought pattern is ultimately going to get us to; and further to that, whether or not that place or accomplishment so anticipated, is where we really want to be or not.


After all, the story of each of our individual lives is written by the thoughts and actions, we subsequently make.  This thus signifies that what we should want is to take the time to think through what it is that we are really trying to accomplish and further to the point, as to whether or not such an accomplishment is a worthwhile objective or not.  The point thereof of the thinking is to think things through thoroughly, again and again, of which, quite obviously the more detail and the more nuances that we can put together within those thoughts, the better our perception of what will occur, will so happen. 


The trouble that so many of us find ourselves in, has a lot to do not so much with bad luck and bad circumstances, but rather has a lot more to do with our failure to think the right reasoned thoughts, that would more times than not, overcome adverse luck and circumstances, or mitigate such, or circumvent such.  Our thoughts can be constructed in a lot of different ways, of which, one of those ways is to first visualize the goal that one desires to achieve, and then from that goal, back things up ever so slowly and with detail to our present situation, so that we can see unfolding in our mind in reverse, what so needs to happen in order to achieve that goal. This thus allows us to stay focused, in the present time, so that whenever our mind beings to waver or to wander, we have the wherewithal and the wisdom to think as to whether or not at the present time what we are thinking and doing is conducive to achieving that goal that we are so determined to have or not.


Life can be filled with all sorts of excuses for our failures and our shortcomings, of which, in many cases there are indeed compelling reasons why this is our present bleak situation; yet, ever pinging upon our conscience is the sure acknowledgement that we are the masters of our fate, and the captain of our soul.  Therefore, it behooves all of us, to take command of our thoughts, and to think things through thoroughly, so that we can focus upon being that which we were born to be, if only we would keep our eyes fixed upon the prize, and not deviate from achieving such, come what may.