Gratitude / by kevin murray

For any one of us to show gratitude is something that typically doesn't cost us a thing, except the voluntary effort to do so, and of which, the person showing that gratitude, has done this deed as a form of appreciation to the person of whom that gratitude is given to.  We read in Holy Scripture in Luke 11 that ten lepers approached the Messiah, desiring to be cleansed of such, of which, Jesus the Christ, dutifully healed them all. And then we read "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.  Jesus answered, “Weren’t the ten cleansed? But where are the nine?" (Luke 11: 16-17)  This so signifies that what had occurred is that though all ten lepers had been healed, only one of them had bothered to return and to thank Jesus the Christ who healed him; whereas the other nine, for whatever reason or reasons, did not bother to take the time to give that same thankfulness, in person.


It isn't so much that the other nine, were wrong for not showing that gratitude, but it certainly can be said, that they ended up not bothering to do so, perhaps because of their excitement, or perhaps because of their astonishment; and thereby were unable to find the wherewithal, to give appropriate thanks to He who healed them, though, undoubtedly they were thankful.  Again, that doesn't make them wrong for their apparent lack of visible gratitude, but it certainly doesn't make them look good, either.  Still, how many of us, who have been provided with a gift, large or small, have also failed to show our gratitude to that person, or organization that aided and abetted us?  Fortunately, gifts so made by the giver, in order to be a true gift, are done without the need or even the expectation that such will be reciprocated, or even necessarily appreciated, for those that give, get their joy from knowing that they did the right thing at the right time, to make things right for that person so receiving that gift.


Returning though to that one leper, that did take the time to turn back and to show his humble appreciation to Jesus, one must give him credit for his recognition that those that receive great gifts, have much to be thankful for.  And it is the people such as that, that keeps those that are the gift givers, in sync with the continuation of that giving, because each time that a gift is so recognized, it recharges the batteries of those givers, to keep them doing what they are doing, in the treasured knowledge that we are all on this good earth, together -- with therefore an obligation to be a good neighbor, one to another, with the implicit understanding that by doing so, we all will get to where we really need to get to, a whole lot quicker, when we are united in our purpose, then  when we are separated by our divisiveness.


So then, each of us needs to be more appreciative of the good, especially that unearned good that comes our way, and rather than keeping those thankful thoughts to ourselves, we should, as best as we can, show our gratitude to those that have done right by us, and then go out and do likewise.