The wrong type of patriotism / by kevin murray

Some people, perhaps even a lot of people, believe that the best Americans are those that are its strongest patriots.  The problem with that belief, though, is that not everyone that takes on the aura of being a patriot is actually a good American or a true patriot.  It has to be said, that some of those that wave their flag the longest, the highest, and seem proudest of that flag aren't necessarily good people, but surprisingly and disappointingly many are actually flawed human beings, that hide behind those symbols of patriotism, in order to compensate for their insecurities, their weaknesses, their prejudices, and their personal lack of material success, by taking upon themselves the symbol of unconquerable power as if it is personally their own, and do such often in an oppressive way against others.


On the contrary, to be a true patriot, first necessitates the comprehension and the understanding of what actually makes for a great country; and those then that are the most patriotic, are those that have either willingly sacrificed themselves for that ideal, or thereby have done their part to uphold the values of that nation, in the belief and sure knowledge that those who are like minded along with being united in purpose and principle, help to make that people and thereby that nation the living embodiment of that which is good.


Unfortunately, in so many respects, often those that profess to be the biggest patriots are sadly also those that are using such patriotism in a manner in which this is utilized as their excuse to intimidate, threaten, or browbeat those others that apparently do not fit so nicely into the box of what they believe fellow patriots should look like, behave as, and believe in.  This quite obviously gives a black eye to all the unsuspecting who are actually good patriots; while also making those that are non-conformists, guilty of not giving in to that which is inimical to their own personal beliefs, as well as to their right to have those beliefs.


Those that are truly patriotic, are primarily those that do not believe in the necessity of group-think, but actually embrace their fellow citizens that are courageous enough to express their views, of which these views are absolutely vital in order to have a viable forum which encourages thereby an open discussion; for when doors are needlessly closed, because of what may or may be on the other side, then meaningful discoveries that should be made, often cannot be made. The greatest countries are filled not with copycat upon endless copycat of simple-minded conformists, but rather consists of people from all different kinds of milieus, backgrounds, and agendas, that somehow, through grit and determination, are able to rise up to join together into one body politic, because they truly believe that each one of us is equally entitled to the fruits of our labor, with fair justice, and opportunity for all.


The well known symbols of patriotism should never be permitted to be co-opted by those bigoted souls that are using such as a way and as a means to intimidate others, so as to through a symbolic force of arms, do harm to others, as well as to destroy from within their very own country.