Think about this; ponder the significance that the United States, back in 1890, considered it necessary that an Anti-Trust Act be so enacted. So then, how much more in this era of gargantuan international corporations, of which these corporations have incredible revenues in the billions upon billions of dollars, and thereby typically are also making profits in the billions, yearly; that this would thereby seem to be the very time therefore when serious anti-trust action so needs to be taken by the governance of this United States. Incredibly, five out of the six biggest market capitalizations in the world, which are Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and Facebook are arguably companies in which a significant amount of the business so generated, appears to be monopolistic in structure or in function, thereby providing these corporations with outsized profits, incredible power, as well as a compliant government that continues to permit these companies to buy out potential competitors and/or to conduct their business, in whatever manner that these corporations, so desire to do.
The more concentrated that capital is, in which such is ever being funneled into fewer and fewer hands, the worse off the people are going to be, because people have a need and desire for all sorts of things, and when all roads lead to or through these gargantuan technology companies, then consumers are going to be wont to pay what they have to pay in order to benefit from that technology, irrespective of what those costs should actually be in a fair and open market. That is the very reason why anti-trust legislation was passed to begin with, and the fact that this anti-trust legislation appears to have no teeth to it, and has seemingly been gathering dust for over a century would indicate that the battle has been fought, and the people have lost.
If this government will not make it their mission to break up those technology companies that have too great of market share as things so stand, today; then clearly this country is not run by the people's representatives, but rather we are seeing instead those representatives being co-opted by those companies to do their bidding. The bottom line is that the only force that can stand up and do the right thing for the people, is that government, of, for, and by the people; for money, power, position, dominance, and greed cannot be overcome by any other avenue, other than that government effectively utilizing those powers so vested in it to do what is right for the people it so governs.
For a lot of people, none of this really matters, because they are happy with the things as they are, but the problem with that sort of mindset is that monopolies ultimately aren't healthy for the freedom, independence, and good viability of people; just as, back in the day, when there were company towns, that owned those that worked for them, lock, stock and barrel; of which those conditions were definitely not good for those that were trapped within those dead-end towns, so suffering from that lack of choice as well as opportunity.
This continual concentration of capital into fewer and fewer hands brings to those that have that capital, everything: and for those that have less and less, a terrible pass into oblivion.