The Declaration of Independence, not only contains an incredibly powerful Declaration of that independence, but is absolutely revolutionary in what it so claimed at that time and still so represents --that each of us has unalienable rights, of which these rights do not come to us by any governmental decree, though governments can augment and support such; but instead are gifted to us by our Creator, of which, among these rights, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Additionally, unalienable rights also imply the right to our ownership of private property, the right to the fruits of our labor, the right to worship or to not worship as per our inclination, the right to think our own thoughts, the right to move along public roadways without undue interference by governmental authorities, and the right to be secure in our own person. Each of these are our unalienable rights, of which that government, of, for, and by the people is not the source of those rights, but rather these rights are our God granted rights, of which, no legitimate government of the people has the right to wrest away from us any of these unalienable rights.
Yet, regrettably we live in a time, in which, in actuality and demonstrated by the evidence that we see all around us, and the construct that we live in, that those unalienable rights, are consistently trampled upon, run over, ignored, suspended and superseded by that government, which has taken upon itself, to essentially own us, in a manner in which, those that wish to assert their God-given liberties, either have to bargain with governmental authorities to retain such, or pay obeisance to, or basically have to in one form or another, buy back their unalienable rights from that government.
For example, all of the victimless crimes that people are arrested upon, convicted upon, and thereby have their freedom taken away from them, are crimes so manufactured by that government, that wrest away from individuals, their free choice to do what they will or won't will with their own bodies, their own mind, and the decisions that they make one adult to another, which has little or nothing to do with appropriate governance. So too, the people are entitled to peacefully assembly, in order to demonstrate for a redress of grievances, find themselves, depending upon the arbitrariness of that government, subject to basically being intimidated, and sometimes violently attacked and assaulted by that government.
Additionally, in far too many aspects, public avenues that the people utilize day-by-day, are an ever present danger for certain segments of that public, who are subject to intimidation, violence, stoppage, arrest, and the forceful removal of their liberty, by authorized governmental authorities, without any real recourse to preclude such. This is further compounded, by governmental authorities somehow being consistently sanctioned to conduct "no knock" raids with overwhelming firepower upon the private property of sovereign citizens, demonstrating in action, that this government need not respect people and their property rights.
In short, a country of liberty is only that country that places front and center the unalienable rights that each of its citizens has; and thereby makes it their point to protect and to defend specifically those very rights. All those governments that do not do this are functionally and fundamentally misguided and wrong, and therefore, until such are corrected, illegitimate.