America, is a nation divided, of which incivility and divisiveness is disappointingly high and seems to be rising all that much higher in the 21st century; all of this occurring in this a nation that prides itself upon being a melting pot of different races, creeds, politics, and languages -- as well as having the understanding that each of us has been gifted with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; of which, we the people, are living in a country that has proclaimed itself to be the United States of America, so created to assure our domestic tranquility. When such a country, founded upon liberty, and that has provided the right of each of its citizens to be represented in its governance through the fair and equal voice that each of its citizens so has, finds itself devolving into a cacophony of voices and actions of its own people making essentially war against one another, signifying that each of us seems to be speaking in a different language, and of which nobody seems to be listening to the other or even really caring to, this thereby leads to even that great beacon of symbolic liberty, our Statue of Liberty, shedding tears upon this celebrated land, in the knowledge that great gifts so given, can be destroyed from within, from carelessness, unconcern, and ignorance.
The seminal document of this nation, is its Declaration of Independence, of which, the correct interpretation of this Declaration is that we, as a people, are meant to join together into one body politic, for the betterment and the advancement of those people, so as to assure the safety and happiness of that people. To the degree, that any politician, or any legislature representative, or laws so passed, and those institutions so created, have a tendency to exist and thereby to promote the general welfare of the people, then we are thereby living in harmony with that stated Declaration; whereas to the degree, that we live within a construct in which there is enmity expressed wholeheartedly between one people to another, as well as outright hatred and contempt, in which that people spend an inordinate amount of time talking pass one another, and essentially attacking one another, then within that nation, there were will be no peace, no justice, and no equality of opportunity.
There is such a thing as a discussion, or even a reasoned argument, and then there is the divisiveness so expressed by small minded people that have clearly lost touch with the fact that each of us, is equally entitled to the same promises of this land; to wit, we are all equally entitled to have a fair hearing, a fair say, and a fair forum to express such, all done in a manner that encourages civil discourse as opposed to discouraging such. The very things and issues that seem to divide us and of which so many put such great import into, are often found to be, in calmer waters, something in which common ground and common bonds could be initiated. So that, those that insist upon dividing us into ever smaller tribes are the very ones that when given enough time and space, will eventually cause us to not be able to understand or to comprehend a word that we each are saying, for it will be, as if we are all senselessly babbling, in a wide and vast ocean filled with fools.