Wealth and work / by kevin murray

One would rightly think that there should be a strong correlation between how hard we work and the monetary rewards thereof; demonstrated in kind by the income and eventually the wealth so produced.  Yet, there are millions upon millions of people that work very hard each and every day, that have little income, little security, and little wealth; whereas, there are others, though relatively few in number, that don't personally do much of anything that is worthwhile or even productive for society on a given day, but are blessed with both plenty of time, as well as plenty of wealth.  So then, clearly, the richest and wealthiest people in the world, aren't necessarily those that are the hardest workers, but rather such has a lot more to do with the privileges or advantages that some are born into or are able to accumulate over time, one way or another, legitimately or not.


Further to the point, while there are plenty of people of all income classes that are diligent in the performance of their work; so too, there are plenty of people of all income classes that clearly are not.  The thing is that for poor people and especially for those without a safety net to fall back upon, they are going to have to do what they need to do in order to just survive, which may well necessitate an awful lot of work, though the work that they do will not typically compensate them at even the semblance of a living wage.   On the other hand, those that have wealth, have a multitude of options that they can attend to on a given day, of which, one of those options, is to simply not to do much of anything of merit, because they do not have the financial need that compels them to do much of anything.


It isn't so much that those that have wealth, should be compelled to give up that wealth, to those that have not; but rather that there is a lot to be said about the fact that those that simply inherit money or opportunity or privilege, or situations in which they have an unfair advantage and have done little or nothing of merit to be deserving of their favorable financial situation, except perhaps some cleverness; lends itself thereby to a separate class of people, that have wealth, without correspondingly having had to labor for such, and those non-working rich people will not typically have the same mindset as those that are required to work.


As it is, there is a world of difference between those that work to earn their keep, and those that are not required to work because their material assets do not necessitate that they work.    So that, to the degree that any society treats passive income, more favorably than active income, in which passive income is taxed at a lower rate or substantially at the same rate as active income; this clearly demonstrates that the governmental representatives of that nation are either enthralled to those that have acquired wealth without income, or, are in substance, those people, themselves.


While wealth has its place, it must be recognized that those that have not fairly earned that wealth by their own labor and will not correct such by their positive actions towards their fellow denizens that are lacking, are the direct or indirect oppressors of all those that work hard, but have nothing.